JAMMU, Aug 16: J&K Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) leader and social activist Gurmeet Singh extended warm wishes to Chief Minister of Delhi and Convener AAP, Arvind Kejriwal on his birthday. While extending birthday greetings to Kejriwal, J&K AAP leader Gurmeet Singh prayed for his healthy, happy and long life. Gurmeet Singh said the Chief Minister of Delhi won’t be celebrating his birthday this year, in the wake of COVID-19 pandemic. “Our beloved leader Arvind Kejriwal had asked people to donate oximeters, as many as, instead of sending him gifts. He appealed to AAP volunteers, supporters, donors to donate oximeters to every village across the country,” informed Singh. Gurmeet Singh also appealed to all the volunteers to donate oximeters as this will be the real gift to their beloved leader Arvind Kejriwal. |