POONCH, Aug 16: Warning strict action against anti-social elements for trying to sabotage communal harmony in the region, IGP Jammu Mukesh Singh said that rumour mongers will be taken to task for misusing social media platforms to create rift among different communities. It is pertinent to mention here that a video had gone viral on social media in which someone made derogatory remarks against the faith of a particular community in Reasi, due to which the situation across Reasi, Rajouri, Poonch, Jammu and other districts has become tense. With this video going viral, many anti-social elements, who have vested interests, have become active in spreading hatred among the people on social media platforms. Earlier, there were many cases, wherein government employees were found instigating people but they are escaping action despite the fact that LG had categorically said that any employee found in anti-national or anti-social activities will be dismissed from the services. Meanwhile, several social groups and citizens of Poonch have strongly condemned the remarks made by some anti-social elements against a particular faith and demanded strict action against such people. IGP Jammu Mukesh Singh, when contacted, said that strong action will be taken against the culprits. SSP Poonch, Ramesh Angral and SSP Rajouri, Chandan Kohli also informed that the SHO Poonch, SD Singh has been directed to take strict action against whosoever found to be involved in sabotaging peace and communal harmony. Meanwhile, DIG Jammu – Kathua Range said that FIRs have been lodged against some people for spreading controversial videos. |