JAMMU, Sept 4: Additional Commissioner Revenue, Rishpal Singh today launched a trailer of short movie ‘Chitta’ directed by Dinesh Anthal. The Chief Guest, Additional Commissioner Revenue, Rishpal Singh launched the trailer in the presence of the Guest of Honour, Suram Singh, SP Rural, Tehsildar Nagrota Anil Mangotra, SDPO Mohan Sharma l and other prominent persons of the area and movie crew. The short film ‘Chitta’, produced by Bharat Singh Bnal, highlighted the ill effect of drugs through very powerful visual message. Talking to reporters, Director stated that it takes hard work and dedication of whole crew to turn his vision into the film. The entire film is shot in Jammu city and its outskirts, depict gloomy picture society on day to day live, he added. Others who contributed in movie making were Anil Gupta (cameraman) and Parveen Sharma (Editor) and hardworking crew. The chief guest congratulated the director and his team for a unique initiative been taken by them to highlight the menace of drug among young generation. |