New Delhi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Friday (September 11) said that school will adopt the new curriculum mentioned in National Education Policy by 2022. Addressing 'Shiksha Parv' conclave on school education, he said, ''NEP will reduce the syllabus and make learning a fun-based and complete experience. we have developed a new curriculum framework.''
He added, ''By 2022, our students will join the new curriculum and step towards the new curriculum. It will be a future-ready and scientific curriculum. The future will have new skills including critical thinking, creativity, communication, and curiosity.''
PM Modi also gave 5E formula - Engage, explore, experience, express and excel to children for new-age learning. He lauded the NEP saying that it focuses a lot on children, stresses learning based on fun, discovery and activities.
Stressing that the NEP will take India towards learning-based education, PM said, ''One of the major reasons behind the drop-out ratio is that students do not have the freedom of choosing their own subject but NEP will give the same. Now, students will not have to be limited to the watertight boundaries of commerce, science, and humanities and will chose any subjects they want to choose. It will bring the focus of marks and mark sheet based education back to learning based education.''
PM Modi further informed that MyGov portal received more than 15 lakh suggestions from teachers on NEP implementation within a week of seeking their views. ''Our work has just begun; National Education Policy has to be implemented equally effectively,'' he added.
The Ministry of Education is organising this two-day conclave, which started on September 10, as a part of the 'Shiksha Parv'. The Shiksha Parv is being celebrated from September 8-25 to felicitate teachers and take the New Education Policy forward. Various webinars, virtual conferences, and conclaves on various aspects of National Education Policy 2020 are being organised across the country |