Jammu, Oct 8: The CGST Commissionerate Jammu took COVID-19 pledge at their headquarter office Rail Head Complex, Jammu as a part of ‘Jan Andolan Campaign’ launched by the Prime Minister. The pledge mainly highlighted the key message of “Wear Mask, Follow Physical Distancing and Maintain Hand Hygiene”. The pledge was taken in the presence of C. L. Dogra, Additional Commissioner of Central Tax, and Dr. Gaurav Mittal, Deputy Commissioner, Assistant Commissioner, Dr. Safdar Ali, Assistant Commissioner, S.K. Gupta, Assistant Commissioner, Vikramaditya Meena, Assistant Commissioner, Dr. Ajay Tadia, Assistant Commissioner and other employees. H. B. Negi, Commissioner, CGST Commissionerate, Jammu, through his message, advised all the employees to take all the necessary precautions to prevent the spread of COVID-19 and also to encourage others to follow the key COVID Appropriate Behaviors as the nation has entered the phase “unlock with precautions” where COVID-19 appropriate behavior is the new normal.