Vijay GarG
But in the last few decades, due to the technological revolution and the changing trends of the people, the importance of books and libraries has been declining. With the advent of infinite other means of knowledge and entertainment, people have begun to use technology more and more. It is often seen that libraries were once the busiest places where people could sit for hours. used to study on various subjects. But nowadays this trend has completely changed. Even school-college libraries are no longer as vibrant as they once were. Students are busy with their mobile phones even while sitting in the library. Instead of thinking about a book, a topic or an article, they keep busy on their mobiles. The same things are spent at home in the same things like TV, internet, computer, etc., the same qualities are coming again in the new children. Not only is technology always used for wrong purposes, the Internet, computers, mobiles, etc., where entertainment is a means, are also a source of knowledge. There is no doubt that it has many benefits and every human being must use it. Because the greater the benefits, the greater the disadvantages. Nowadays it is very difficult to live without technological means, all kinds of information is available on the internet in seconds which saves a lot of time and more information can be obtained in less time. But it is also important to note that there is a difference between information and knowledge, information can be obtained immediately by reading something but knowledge is the result of study which is obtained only by continuous careful study it can. My point is that no matter how much progress we make, our love for books should never be broken because there are endless inventions in the world, but books have been a part of our lives for centuries and should always be. It is very important to have libraries in villages, cities, towns where there should be as many books on every subject as possible. The younger generation and children should be encouraged to come to the library. We should all try to motivate ourselves, our children and those around us to read as much as possible because education is the only way that will always enlighten our lives, ”he said. Knowledge is a treasure that no one can ever plunder. It is very important to associate with books otherwise we will get away from the roots, and without roots the condition of the tree is what we all know. So keep sharing books, keep giving good books to people associated with you to read on one occasion or another, if this kind of transaction starts then everyone can be wise and prudent with which our life Difficulties can be easy. Let’s all make an effort to make the existence of the book a part of our lives by not just reading it as a syllabus in the classroom and save the existence of the book on our own. |