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What’s Online Education to You? | | | Triveni Sidha
“Change brings the best results for all the learning” and when learning itself take a different road it brings sudden change in the development of mind. Covid-19 has brought that change in the learning system where one can have never imagine the e-books replacing hardcovers, google classrooms replacing project files, tablet screen replacing whiteboards, and classroom interactions replacing virtual meetings. Covid-19 crisis has disrupted many sectors and Education system is one of them. The Education is meant to be a Human interaction, Exchange of ideas and thoughts in a environment where students can learn appropriately. This appropriate action is taken by our “Virtual mode of System”. Online system was never meant to be the fundamental mode of learning back then but Social distancing and lockdown however have made online classrooms a temporary primary source of education for students of all ages. Life is complicated and human are complex, so accepting the journey of traditional education to online education is not less than any gift. We should get overwhelmed by the sudden transition and when it’s natural, YOU ARE NOT ALONE IN THIS.As said by many Inspirational personalities “Education is much more than Classroom lessons.” And this transition to online learning brings something new for us. There are many bright aspects of this transition which cannot be ignored: • Online education facilitates on-time learning, degree and timely completion of course, without any delay or gap. It’s a matter of good time and fortune that we are born in a digital age where we have abundant resources and means of digital learning to deliver the best quality of education. • Online education have their “share of perks”. It offers flexibility and ease as one can learn at their pace with the help of recorded Lectures. It also helps us to learn things at our comfort zone and enables us to study from our home. It is also amusing to see that online education is becoming affordable affair for lots of people who spend tons of money on daily commuting, baby sitters and food consumption as it saves lot of these expenses. • Online education has proven a boon to people who always crave for “me time” and want to ignore the hustle-bustle of life. They can act on some other important things too, getting meal on proper time, having a good session of yoga and exercise, giving time to family etc. In addition to online system of education one can follow a proper schedule. “This time will never come back, stop Reacting to it but start Acting on some good things”. Remember always With a new change “we learn, we grow”. • Online learning steps in as a Coach for students in this pandemic. It has addressed the pain points that was troubling the students. It gives an interesting, relevant and motivational bend to regular education. Student also get to experience a role-reversal. It enhanced the problem solving quality of students that ultimately reinforced their own acquired knowledge. • Digitisation is the magical word and has played a role of strong backbone for education system today. Artificial intelligence and Machine learning collaboratively has simplified the process. Because of these two only, we were able to connect to “Virtual Schools/Colleges”. The free technology solution are being used by millions via smartphones and laptops to learn new concepts or gain clarity over the previous ones. Once feared even homework has never been so much fun and insightful. Online platforms have become a “playground for learners of all age groups”. So we should appreciate that, At least there is something instead of nothing. Think what if there is no digitalisation? • According to Similar Web Data, online learning platform in India have seen a surge amid nationwide lockdowns. They drew upto 4% of the total web traffic. Brainy itself accelerated growth from 150 million to over 250 million worldwide, while successfully garnering more than 25 million users in India. This marks the “acceptability and popularity of interactive learning methodologies” and depicts exactly what the modern learner wants. The game isn’t about whether “virtual system” is better than learning in-person. Online learning is not an alternative but a supplement to traditional education. Schools will continue to act as a permanent primary source of education but online mode can help the process become more enjoyable and insightful for students. It’s about co-existence and functioning of both the system in a symbiosis.Online learning has the power to reduce the education gap in qualitative and quantitative terms. To put things in perspective both online and offline system can go hand in hand. Tech-based education is based on decoding how to engage students and how to continue education in absence of traditional classrooms, thereby helping students master on their own. The development of hybrid learning model if observed across the globe, we will see a lot of betterment in case of learning and process of growth. It will ensure that students enjoy the best of both physical and digital worlds. “THE LETTING GO OF NORMAL IS GOING TO TEACH US MORE THAN WE KNOW”. |
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