EARLY TIMES REPORT JAMMU, Feb 9: Nat Manch performed Nukkad Natak "Swacch Bharat Swacch Jammu" as part of its ongoing Tuesday series at Mandi Trikuta Nagar, Jammu. The Nukkad Natak was written and directed by founder and president Nat Manch, Tarun Sharma. Ajay Gupta, Corporator JMC was chief guest on the occasion. A group of talented actors of Nat Manch were Tarun Sharma Founder and President, Sandeep Kumar, Ishan Mansotra, Komal Parihar and Usha Shan performed in street play. They performed scenes depicting the general attitude of people towards cleanliness and how it causes damage to the environment. Ajay Gupta Corporator JMC fully supported the Nat Manch for their efforts towards Swacch Bharat mission and appreciated Tarun Sharma for doing great job in the society. |