JAMMU, Apr 5: Ek Sath Rang Mandal (ESRM) today presented its 411th Monday Theatre with nukkad on social awareness "Hamari Zimeydaari" here at Pakka Talab, JDA Park, Rehari Chungi. Nukkad “Hamari Zimeydaari” was based on the subject that elders are not at all liability but our responsibility. Nukkad was based on interaction with all age groups of people who should realize their responsibilities towards elders, their parents, invalids and blinds. These people are part of our life living in the society. Our elders who are almost in the last phase of their life need love, company, respect from their children. Why we dislike their suggestive measures, their thinking even sometimes their presence and existence. We must observe and listen their grievances. Do not neglect theiradvises and ignore them at all which can be fatal for their health. Their handicaps erupt when either of their life partner is no more or their children are out of country then they feel totally isolated. Mere money cannot be remedy for their problems but they need medicine, they need company of their nears and dears. No doubt there are so many social organizations who take care in old age homes but still there are so many questions which need to be replied. Often we hear there is domestic violence in certain households where parents are humiliated and tortured for property, which is also unfortunate. We the responsible members in the society must check such kind of incidents around us. Actors who acted were Kalli Singh, Charanjeet Singh, Rangeesh Sharma, Nikhilesh Sharma, Tarsem Lal, Mintu, Papu, Annu, Sonu, Kamal and Vijay Malla.