Early Times Report jammu, Apr 5: Instead of using funds Rs 100 cr received under Rashtriya Uchtam Shiksha Abhiyan (RUSA), the University of Jammu made useless expenditure, as 100 LEDs purchased for Rs 65 lakhs were turned into showpieces due the alleged lackadaisical attitude of the varsity administration. "For UGC's most prestigious flagship web-based education project- MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses through SWAYAM (Study Webs of Active-Learning for Young Aspiring Minds) 100 LED screens were purchased for Rs 65 lakhs to facilitate MOOCs project. These LEDs were purchased almost one and half years ago. Around 95 percent of these LEDs are lying intact in packed condition in storerooms of several faculty departments", sources told Early Times. "Funds sanctioned by the UGC under RUSA were not only for MOOCs but also for significant areas of focus which included formation of research labs, purchase of equipment, upgradation of syllabus, business incubation and innovation centre, entrepreneurship and skill development centre, and industry, academia interface centre", they said, adding that the first installment of Rs 100 cr sanctioned in May 2018 was released in December 2018. "The Jammu University has also identified and approved 46 PG, MOOCs courses offered through SWAYAM to its students having four credits in the examination", they said. "Academics well-being took a back seat when priority is on mindless use of funds. JU officers are busy in showcasing of fruitless activities that have no relevance in varsity academic curriculum," they said, adding that the UGC selected JU for whooping funding for the purpose of promoting excellence in education and research compatible with the varsity level. "But it seems that the purpose has been defeated," sources added. |