JAMMU, Nov 18: Shiksha Niketan Senior Secondary School, Jeevan Nagar Jammu celebrated Gurupurab with great zeal and fervour in the school premises today. A special assembly was conducted to mark the occasion. A “Group Kirtan” was organized by the students of Class 9th and 10th. The student recited Paaths followed by Shabd Gayan, and also depicted glimpses of the sacred life lived by Guru Nanak Dev Ji . The celebration began with the enlightened thought of Guru Nanak Dev Ji, highlighting the message of brotherhood as a tribute to the great Guru. Various relevant activities were undertaken by students and staff, with great enthusiasm, under the guidance of the worthy Principal, Rameshwar Mengi and Harish Sharma, the Headmaster of the School. The “Recitation of Prayer” by the students filled the whole atmosphere with peace and tranquility. At the end of the holy prayer and recitation, the “Parshaad” was distributed to all the students, Teaching and Non- teaching Staff by the School management. At the end of the occasion, the Principal Rameshwar Mengi Ji, threw light on the importance of the day and wished a happy Gurupurab to all. His worthyself impressed upon all to follow the “Guru’s Teachings” compiled in the “Guru Granth Sahib”, which carry a message of peace, harmony, tolerance and universal brotherhood for all the mankind to make this world of ours a “Heavenly Happy Place” to live in.