Vijay Garg
Human civilization has come a long way from the Stone Age to the Atomic Age. During this time many ancient civilizations took birth and spread in every corner of the earth, some remained and some were washed away in the current of time. But according to Charles Dorwin, man has run from monkey to superhuman. If we talk about Indian civilization, then it was considered as the oldest and well-organized civilization of the world, which is known for its high quality family and social system. Family is the smallest unit where all the factors and factors of a prosperous nation are present. Women and men have equal participation and equal importance in the operation of this family system. The man nourishes the family, takes care of his relatives through his employment, but the real responsibility of running the family lies with the woman, who is called the goddess of service, sacrifice and compassion. But whatever be the classical definitions of this type, the reality appears to be something else. Man is still the same as he was before, constantly walking on the path of progress, full of qualities like struggle, valor, valor, ego etc., engrossed in his tune. But if you try to know what is the status of women in today’s modern society, you will be disappointed. Although in today’s modern scientific era, women have achieved equal position with men in many fields from agriculture to space, but even today most of the women are compelled to be deprived of their fundamental rights. Whatever efforts are being made for the empowerment of women, but the biggest challenge of her existence is being met by the woman in her own home, from the mother’s womb. Even if she is saved from this, after coming on the earth, there is a lot of challenges for her. There are many problems like feticide, gender discrimination, domestic violence, dowry export, sexual harassment, molestation, exploitation, oppression, rape, oppression, mental torture etc. Nature maintained the continuity of creation by coordinating male and female. There are physical and natural differences between man and woman, one is hard and one is soft, egoistic in nature and woman is sacrificing. According to history, women of the Vedic period had social prosperity, there are many examples of women’s education, study of scriptures, equal participation of men in yagya, marriage voluntarily etc. In the post-Vedic period, women suffered in the event of conflict between different castes. The condition of women was most worrisome during the foreign invasions in the medieval period and during the Mughal period when she was considered as a mere object of enjoyment. Big wars were fought and fierce bloodshed was done to get women of the form, only to save women from this evil practices like purdah system, child marriage, sati system were born, which were also stopped later. There was no significant improvement in the condition of women till independence. Then gradually many women’s organizations, thinkers and movements at the international and national level made efforts for women’s freedom, economic strength, dignity, dignity and justice etc. There has been some improvement, but the situation is still not satisfactory. According to the National Crime Records Bureau report, there are at least 39 criminal cases against women in India every hour, of which rape accounts for 11 per cent. About 2.5 million crimes against women have been registered in India in the last decade. And there are also lakhs of cases in which women remain silent when a crime is committed out of fear or localism. Many sections of the Indian Penal Code (IPC) were implemented to protect women from the misdeeds of men, such as imprisonment for two years under section 354 on outrage of modesty, less than sixteen years under section 376 for rape. There is a provision of life imprisonment for the offender for raping a girl child up to age. There is a provision of punishment of 7 years under section 498-A for mental torture, section 294 on molestation, section 363 to 368 on kidnapping or prostitution, section 312 to 318 on female foeticide. But despite all this, crime is increasing, criminals are committing rape in even more heinous ways, recently even small girls were made victims of brutal rape. Now the question arises that when the protector becomes the eater then how to keep the women safe. Government schemes, police, courts, sections of law are only formal systems included in the social structure. In fact, when the mindset of the people does not change, until the attitude will not change, the condition of women will not improve. If any daughter of the society has a feeling like her daughter or sister, then women will be able to walk with their heads raised. The meaning of masculinity lies in protecting and respecting women, it is cowardice to exploit them. This is the identity of India. Perhaps people have forgotten this mantra, yatra naryastu pujyante, ramante tatra deity. Where there is respect for women, there is upliftment of culture. Now more thinking is needed, woman is the power, if she is harmed, the society will become powerless, so men will have to be more sensitive, only then women’s upliftment is possible. |