IndiGo had the best on-time performance (OTP) of 95.4 per cent at four metro airports in February, while Go First secured the number two position with 94.1 per cent in the same month, according to data released by aviation regulator Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA). Bengaluru, Delhi, Hyderabad and Mumbai were the four airports where Indigo had the best OTP, the data released on Monday said. In January, the situation was inverse as Go First had logged the best OTP of 94.5 per cent at the four airports while IndiGo was at number two with 93.9 per cent OTP. "We are delighted to OTP consistently despite the most challenging situations. We have been able to improve our OTP to 95.4 per cent in February 2022 from an annual monthly average of 93.5 per cent in 2021," an IndiGo spokesperson said. The spokesperson added that IndiGo will continue to be true to its promise of "affordable, on-time, safe and hassle-free travel experience" for its customers. In February, Vistara, SpiceJet, Air India, AirAsia India and Alliance Air had OTP of 90.9 per cent, 90.9 per cent, 89.8 per cent, 88.5 per cent and 88.5 per cent, respectively. Around 76.96 lakh domestic passengers travelled by air in February, approximately 20 per cent more than the 64.08 lakh who flew in January, the Directorate General of Civil Aviation had said on Monday. The February figure is a sign that the domestic aviation market is recovering after the 43 percent dip that was observed in January due to Omicron variant of coronavirus. In December last year, 1.12 crore domestic passengers had travelled by air. |