Premium bike maker Ducati on April 25 announced the launch of its Multistrada V2 range of bikes in dealerships across India. The Multistrada V2 is priced at Rs 14.65 lakh while the Multistrada V2 S starts at Rs 16.65 lakh (both prices ex-showroom India), the company said in a statement. It also said that bookings for the latest offering are now open across all Ducati dealerships in Delhi-NCR, Mumbai, Pune, Ahmedabad, Hyderabad, Bengaluru, Kochi, Kolkata & Chennai, and deliveries will begin immediately. "The Ducati Multistrada V2 is an all-new model which has been extensively worked on to achieve significant weight reduction on engine and chassis. It also features revisions in design and ergonomics, which blend perfectly with a lighter, tried and tested Testastretta 11, twin-cylinder engine," said Bipul Chandra, Managing Director, Ducati India. The Multistrada V2 puts the excitement back in the mid-sport touring segment, and is built to guarantee long riding hours in the utmost comfort," he further said. In 2010, the Multistrada was the first motorcycle in the world equipped with Riding Modes, which allow a rider to choose between different pre-set modes to optimize vehicle behaviour based on the rider's riding style and environmental conditions, it said, adding, the Multistrada V2 features four Riding Modes (sport, touring, urban and enduro). |