Early Times Report Baramulla, Apr 13: Jammu and Kashmir RTI Movement in collaboration with D C Office Baramulla today organized day long workshop on "Proactive Disclosure of RTI Act-2009." This workshop was meant to train District PIO's, APIO's, FAA's, Sarpanches, Bar-Members and Civil society Organizations. More than 250 participants attended this workshop. Bashir Ahmed Khan, Additional D.C. Baramulla stressed on participants to go through the RTI Law, in order to deliver effectively interms of access of information by general public. Abdul Salam, President, Bar Association Baramulla appreciated JKRTIM's role, interms of helping this Law reach grassroots in Jammu and Kashmir. He said, Laws and Acts are formulated, but they remain merely on papers, until people are not familiarized with those laws and applied on ground. And when it comes to RTI Law awareness and its utilization across the state, its sole contribution goes to JKRTIM and its dedicated leadership. Dr Shaikh Ghulam Rasool, Chairperson-JKRTI Movement said "aims and objectives of RTI Act are to set out the regime of Transparency and accountability in functioning of public authorities and Government. RTI law was enacted to hold Government accountable and transparent. Section-4 (Proactive disclosure) is the spirit of RTI law, without its compliance RTI implementation is incomplete. Implementation of Section-4 will ensure decreased misuse and blackmailing of RTI and will promote culture of transparency which is vital for public participation in Governance process", he said. Advocate Irfan Haffiz lone, First RTI Activist of state, deliberated the RTI Law to the participants. Main stress was laid down on Sec (4) of RTI Act and, ways and means of its implementation were discussed upon. Others who spoke on the occasion, includes ACR Baramulla,Mudasir Rather, Mohd Younis (president legal volunteers),Mohd shaban Surpanch. |