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Best use of Whats App | | | Mahadeep Singh Jamwal
The social media is a powerful source to exchanges goodies as well as bad, but it also speaks of the mind behind the scene that uploads various postings on it. We find many heads rolling and creating controversy over controversial postings, which play a disastrous role, when they are in the public domain. Some un-warranted remarks are openly and in a very daring manner are put to public domain, causing great dent on the immature brains. The recent happening in Kashmir over the death of Burhan is a clear indicator, that he utilized the social media to project himself as hero and his impact was so disastrous, which we have witnessed in the Valley killing more than forty innocent souls, injuries to thousands and loss of property amounting to crores. Many people have created so many groups on the Whatsapp that attract many wonderful ideas and postings which acts as an eye opener for a man of the common society and they provide wonderful platform to think about so many things in a simple way. A similar group as 'Being Human' created for inviting good thoughts and inspiring material and number of postings on the group received, deserve to be shared with common man for a thought provoking action and as an expose to many existing evils in the society. Contributed by one Ravinder Advocate is a burning problem requires immediate attention of the government which goes like it that; "A father Suffered a heart attack, doctor advised to bring 'Streptokinase' injunction, son purchased it for Rs. 9000/- as per MRP, but actual it costs Rs. 700-900/- only". "One suffered typhoid, doctor prescribed 14 'Monocep' injections, which will cost you Rs. 53/- each from hospital chemist shop, where as it costs Rs.25/- as its wholesale price". "Mother suffered Kidney failure requiring dialysis every alternate day. An injection after dialysis will cost you Rs. 1800-/-, which you will not get it from open market anywhere. It is only available with the doctor costing you Rs. 1800/-. Original cost of injection is just Rs. 500/- only. Son suffered infection, doctor recommended Antibiotic, which cost Rs. 540/- for one leaf. Same salt of other company costs 150/- and generic costs 45/- only. But the shopkeeper will say, they do not keep generic drugs and he will not sell the medicine other than prescribed by the doctor which cost you Rs. 540/-". "Ultra sound cost Rs. 750/- in open Bazaar, in charitable dispensaries it costs Rs. 240/-. The market ultra sound carries commission of Rs. 300/- of the doctor in advising it from a particular laboratory or diagnostic center". "In MRI doctor carry commission of Rs. 2000/- to 3000/-". "Most disturbing is the fact in Super Specialty Hospital Jammu, where patients suffering of heart problem and requiring immediate 'Stent', which is not managed by the Hospital Medicine shop, but it is readily available from agents operating within the premises of the hospital itself being carried in their shoulder bags and making business in one corner of the Hospital canteen., with due permission of Medical Superintendent of the SSH. The more disturbing is the matter, it is charged ranging from Rs. 68000/- on ward as per specification of the 'Stent', whereas the MRP reflects it as Rs. 01, 35,000/- and so on. Generally speaking it does not cost more than 20,000/- and government of India is even thinking of fixing price of it as Rs. 35,000/- only. What a non sense in MRP and selling it even at the half price itself speaks of a big deal. So big is the lobby created by Pharmaceutical companies, that they have high jacked the country and kept it in their custody. Doctors and pharmaceutical companies are black mailing the government. This tag was with an excuse from honest doctors by its originator. This was followed by some comments about functioning of TV Channels about their style of reporting such as; What the media doing is; A prince fallen in hole, Vehicle without driver, Rakhi Sawant, Bigboss, Saas Bhau aur Sajish, Sabdhan, Crime reporter, Cricket's girl friend, and hundreds of advertisements and debates of non sense in nature. The media is not looking for open loot by Doctors, Hospitals and Pharmaceutical companies, if media will not expose, who then? An auto driver charging 20/- rupees more will be beaten in the open but who dare to look for theses doctors, hospitals and Pharmaceutical companies. Another tag awaking in nature also deserve to be reproduced, posted by one Prithpal Singh DSP under heading *an advice from Advocate* which goes as; "In ordinary course we keep furnishing and submitting our 'KYC' documents and residential proofs; such as PAN card, electricity bills to various people for housing loan, car loans or other loans, bank accounts or even for buying new SIM cards, we submit theses documents at almost at all these places. They ask for self certification on these documents, we immediately sign those documents and hand over. Just imagine these certified copies are freely available in the hands of such persons and those documents can be used by him for everything. It is really a serious concern so inculcate a habit of writing the date and purpose for which, you are submitting the self attested KYC documents, so that those documents cannot be used again. So remember to keep following scripted on the document; Signature, Date, Purpose and' not to be used for other purpose to save yourself from un-required harassment meted, if the so documents are used for a wrong purpose in due course of time". In a lighter way a very big message tagged by one Rajan Slathia from Udhampur needs special mention owing to its relevancy in the fashion market adopted by our teen girls, as a conversation between father and his daughter goes as ; "A father offered an i-phone to his daughter. Next day he asked what she did immediately after getting the phone. She has placed order for scratch guard and cover for the phone. Did somebody compel you for it? No. whether she does not realize that she has insulted the manufacturers of the phone by your additions to it? No but manufacturer himself has directed for it. It means the phone was not looking good, that is why you have asked for a cover of it? No dad it was otherwise to protect it. Had its beauty come down by the cover? No, what it has added to it. Looking very affectionately towards his daughter, father stated; look my daughter, your body is more precious and beautiful than your i-phone, by keeping it covered like phone will add to its beauty. The girl realized her mistake and conceived the secret of looking beautiful in life". A gag of various policies of the Government, explained in a very simple way and posted by one Jagroop from Samba in the context of a real conversation between a person and a man standing on a kiosk, goes like it; "Why don't you earn something? Why. Get married? Done. How? Through 'Kanyadaan Jojna'. Do something for children? The delivery is free through 'Janni Jojna' along with cheque of Rs.1400/-. For children's education? For them education, uniform, books and mid day meal is free being BPL, getting scholarship also which, we are enjoying. How you run the house? Younger girl got just cycle, boy got lap top, parents getting old age pension and even getting rice and flour at Rs. 1/- per kg from government. With irritation suggested for earning for 'Char Dham Yatra' of parents? He replied will be through CM 'Tirath Yatra Scheme'. Earn for cremation of your older parents? It is @ of one rupee in electric crematorium. Then do something for the marriage of your children? It will be in the same way as his. Then how better clothes you are wearing and enjoying luxuries? It is a secret but he revealed it by saying that occupy Government land, construct house under 'Aawas Jojna' and sell it out and then again look for another Government land for occupation and continue the same way. The person being quizzed, too was irritated by this time and ultimately banged, when Crores of people like you paying tax after working hard, then why we should work enjoying better of life than you without doing anything" It is enough for government to introspect for his various lucrative schemes to woo the voter.. I will not be honest if I fail to mention some of the best thoughts received on my Whats app group 'Human Being' and 'We for You' created to invite thoughts/ phrases to boost the morale of public in the time of stress and strain and some rewarded by "we for You' group goes as under; 'the human body experiences a powerful gravitational pull in the direction of hope. The art of healing comes from nature; therefore we must start from nature with an open mind' from Dr, Arun Mahajan, 'Don't ever forget who was there for you when no one else was' by Umesh Manhas, 'Honest relations are just like water, no color, no taste, but still very important for life' by Narinder Abrol, Don't look for someone who will solve all your problems, look for someone who won't let you face them alone' by Mr. Gopal/Daily Excelsior, ' time is the most precious element of human existence. The successful person knows how to put energy into time and how to draw success from time' by Jagroop Singh. Three hearts touching statements of Charlie Chaplin; posted by Jagroop from Samba goes as; 1. Nothing is permanent in this world, not our troubles. 2. I like walking in the rain, because nobody can see my tears and 3. The most wasted day in life, is the day, in which, we have not laughed. Before parting a message from the Whats app group, 'We for you', *Not necessary that every elder is mature also. But he becomes so by reading the un-written book of his life journey, torn out the page of the mistakes, and forward the one inspiring in nature*. |
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