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Separatists causing affront to Jammu's self-respect | Geelani's nasty lEtter | | Early Times Report JAMMU, July 22: Kashmiri separatists are causing an affront to the self-respect of the people of Jammu province by seeking to create an impression that they are also with those in the Valley who want independence from India and accuse the security forces of violating the so-called human rights of people. What has stung the people of Jammu province all the more is the nasty letter that Pakistani agent Syed Ali Shah Geelani the other wrote and sent to various world community to draw their attention towards what he called the "grave and grim situation being faced by the caged people of Kashmir for the past seven decades in general and for the last two and a half decades in particular". The letter was sent to United Nations Security Council (UNSC), heads of UNSC Permanent Members (United States of America, The United Kingdom, China, France and Russia), European Union, Organization of Islamic Countries (OIC), South Asian Association of Regional Countries (SAARC), Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), Prime Minister of Pakistan, Prime Minister of Turkey, King of Saudi Arabia, President of China and President of Iran. The atrocious letter, among other things, said: "The people of Jammu and Kashmir have been facing repression at the hands of Indian occupation forces right from the day they landed in Srinagar in October 1947 after the British withdrew from Indian subcontinent and divided it into two states: the Muslim majority state of Pakistan and the Hindu majority state of India. Jammu and Kashmir, a Muslim majority region, was forcibly annexed by Indian troops against the principles of partition, self-determination and natural justice. Our right to self-determination has also been endorsed by the United Nations, which has passed many resolutions asking for a plebiscite to determine people's choice, which India has been continuously refusing. Since then the people of Jammu and Kashmir have been relentlessly struggling to free themselves from this Indian Military grip using all means. In response to our struggle for freedom India has deployed more than half a million armed forces to crush and control less than 10 million people of this occupied region turning it effectively into a huge prison with the densest military concentration anywhere in the world as reported by many international organizations including European Union". "In this situation, international community and especially the influential states like members of UNSC, EU Countries and OIC members have a special responsibility to intervene in order to challenge the behavior of the Indian State in Jammu and Kashmir to stop this reign of terror and take measures to build confidence among the people of the occupied Jammu and Kashmir and to create an atmosphere conducive for the resolution of the dispute of Jammu and Kashmir as per the principle of Right to Self Determination as enshrined in the various UN Resolutions on Jammu and Kashmir". His letter also talked about some unsettling few Confidence Building Measures (CBMs), which read: (1) Accept the disputed nature of Jammu and Kashmir and announce the acceptance of the people's Right to Self Determination; (2) Announce rapid demilitarization process of population centers; (3) Repeal draconian laws like AFSPA and Public Safety Act that facilitate the arbitrary and irresponsible behavior of an already hostile army and that provides them with the legal immunity against heinous crimes like extra-judicial killings, rape, torture and arson committed against a defenseless local population; (4) Release all the political prisoners from prisons, detention centers and house arrest and restore their right to free political activity; (5) Allow UN Special Rapporteurs and all international human rights and humanitarian organisations to work in Jammu and Kashmir, so that the iron curtain of the occupation is lifted; and (6) Announce and ensure free political space for all the parties to the disputed Jammu and Kashmir, particularly those advocating the Right to Self Determination for the people of Jammu and Kashmir. Let's ignore the CBMs and focus on other issues his letter raised, especially his insulting suggestion that the whole population of Jammu and Kashmir believed that the state was under the illegal occupation of India and it also wanted the right to self-determination so that it could join Pakistan. His suggestion that Jammu and Kashmir is under illegal occupation of India is highly flawed. The truth is that Jammu and Kashmir was part of princely India and not British India which was divided in 1947 to create Pakistan for Muslims. As for the future of the princely states was concerned, it were the princes who had to decide their future and they did that. Maharaja Hari Singh also exercised the authority vested in him and he acceeded his state to India. The people of the state in general and Jammu and Ladakh in particular appreciated the decision and they continue to remain committed to the country. Similarly, the atrocious suggestion of Geelani that the UN resolutions should be implemented is as mischievous as it is highly condemnable. UN resolutions cannot be implemented because Pakistan has subverted the same. The fact of the matter is that Geelani & Co are only beating about the bush. However, New Delhi should open the border at a few point to ensure that these Geelanis and Mirwaizs, along with their supporters, crossed over to Islamabad. |
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