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Reciprocating Animosity with amenities | | Shiv Kumar Padha Basohli | 7/29/2016 11:28:47 PM |
| According to B.F. Skinner, a pioneer of operant conditioning "changes in the behaviour are the result of an individual's response to the events (stimuli) that occurs in the environment when a particular stimulus- response pattern is reinforced (rewarded or punished)". It means whenever any act of an individual, good or bad, is reinforced (rewarded) the re- occurrence of that response is strengthens. Stone pelting has now become a part of Kashmiri culture where majority of old and young, women and children come on the roads to protest whenever any dreaded or declared terrorist is killed by the security forces. In order to provoke and compel the security forces to resort to violent reactions the agitators start pelting stones over the security forces, burn their bunkers and set their vehicles on fire. Leaving a section of intellectuals, nationalists and wise men of the Kashmiri society, no one has ever dared to condemn, repent, lament or has shed tears over the merciless killings of the security persons who have been standing by the Kashmiri brethren through thick and thin in the event of cross border terrorism, national disasters and foiling the intrusion bids at the LOC without caring for their lives. Our security men are living in the environment where their killing by the terrorists is celebrated treating their burning pyres as the campfire. Perhaps, Kashmir is emerging as the lonely place in the civilized society where the values of humanity, sense of sacrifice, sympathies, kindness and mercy, Indian army is known for, is reciprocated in the barbaric, inhuman and Talibani manner. The masterminds of the terrorist outfits in Kashmir have prepared a separate cadre of criminals comprising of the minors and the old. Perhaps, they forget that committing rape or targeting the national forces by any age group is punishable under law applicable for every citizen. Again there have been an abrupt spurt in the stone pelting in the entire valley after the killing of poster boy Burhan Wani, during an encounter with the security forces. The killed terrorist was wanted in many terrorists activities in the country and carried an award of Rs. 10 lakh over his head. The protests against the killing of the poster terrorist took the whole valley in its spate Thousands of protestors, irrespective of age and sex came on the roads and pelted stones on the security forces which, according to an official release left 46 young, old dead, thousands of civilians and the security persons injured. Many of them have sustained grievous injuries and many more struggling between life and death in the ICUs. The valley reeled under continues curfew since the incidence except the small daily skirmishes. With the intervention of state and the centre government and the local civil society the normalcy could again be brought in volatile environment of the valley. The state government, in addition to providing for the amenities and the honorable release of near about 645 kashmiri youth, has sent for the services of the expert team of doctors, surgeons from Delhi for the treatment of the wounded. The separatist and the divisive forces active in Jammu and Kashmir are always in the look out of an occasion which they can exploit better for instigating the youth and gaining some political mileage. The other day some miscreants spread a false news, about the alleged molestation of a Kashmiri girl by army Jawan in the valley. The violence erupted engulfed the whole valley into it. The violence resulted into the killing of 5 innocent youth, burning of army bunkers and vehicles. Later on the tables were turned upon the local youth who did this inhuman act only to defame the Indian army and to provoke the sentiments of the youth. The 1914 floods in Kashmir converted the entire valley in a sea overnight, the unexpected floods took in its spate hundreds of precious lives both of the human and the livestock, destroyed the property of the natives worth millions of crores of rupees and rendered many rich and poor homeless. Hats off for the union government in Delhi which immediately pressed into service the National disaster rescue operation teams which spared no effort in saving the precious lives and the property of the population affected by the wrath of the tsunami floods which, it is said, visited the valley after a century. Rescue teams not only saved the lives and property of the flood affected people but air lifted the wounded and the sick, air dropped the food packets, bottles of potable water, medicines and shifted the people stranded in the flood to the safer places in the camps. While the rescue teams were busy in providing succor to the stranded people through land and by air the youth of the valley, under the provocation of the anti-social elements, were seen involved in stone pelting targeting the rescue teams, choppers and vehicles engaged in the rescue operations. The stone pelting menace injured many persons including rescue teams, police and army jawans seriously. It is learnt that one of the cops Waseem Ahmed Bhat who was injured in a stone pelting incident at Duck Park Hazratbal in july 2014 succumbed to his injuries at SKIMS Soura Srinagar on oct. 20. It was, perhaps the replication of the same stone pelting incidents which took place during the electioneering process for the 16th parliament elections and in the year 2010-2011 which took one precious innocent life and left 1500 cops injured during the scuffle between stone pelters and policemen during eight week long turmoil. Under the amnesty scheme for the stone pelters some 1811 targeted youth were honorably released which was none less than a reward or the reinforcement for the stone pelters in lieu of their nefarious acts which, in the eyes of any law abiding citizen, were considered totally detrimental for the peace and tranquility of the state. As per the recommendations of the amnesty scheme for the honorable release and employment of the stone pelters from the Srinagar city in Jammu and Kashmir police force, 1811 youth involved in stone pelting incidents in Srinagar city were shortlisted. Under the confidence building measure an expert panel mandated by prime minister in august 2010 recommended a special employment drive to keep the Kashmiri youth away from pelting stones and agitating for azadi. As per the recommendations the FIRs' of 1811 stone pelters were withdrawn as a legal requirement for verification for jobs, loans, admission for higher education, passport in future. Under the amnesty policy the shops will be constructed for the stone pelters. Accordingly a multi-pronged approach was adapted in 2011 for the on spot recruitment of stone pelters from Srinagar city. The main objective, as envisaged in the amnesty program, was to increase representation of the Kashmiri youth hailing from Srinagar city in the constabulary for countering the terrorism and bridging the gap between police and public.There are Lakhs of educated youth in Jammu and Kashmir who, in spite of reeling under poverty, want, hunger, un employment and deprivation, would prefer death and starvation to taking up the weapons against their own mother land. No doubt the policy of rehabilitation and the amnesty for the stone pelters are laudable and appreciable because 'it is always better late than never'. Meanwhile every right thinking nationalist and security experts are concerned that this policy has the potential to lure the local youth to take to militancy and stone pelting and later to get rehabilitated and employed. The peaceful citizens are skeptic about this reward and incentive policy for the antinational and disruptive forces hell-bent destabilizing the peace and tranquility of India. It is the apprehension of the security forces and the intelligence agencies that the local youth will once again start joining militant ranks. The political analysts fear that such policies which ignore the rehabilitation of the West Pakistan, and Pakistan occupied Kashmir refugees and Kashmiri migrants, jobs for the peaceful citizens of the state, employment of lakhs of degree and diploma holders, regularization of SPOs, daily wagers, tend to sharpen the divide between Jammu and Kashmir regions and can have dangerous fallout in future. This time the voter of Jammu and Kashmir was very hopeful about the formation of the government in the state, especially, the first time partnership of Jammu region in the coalition government. People hoped that the coalition government will tighten the noose around the anti national elements, responsible for hurling Pakistani and ISIS flags in the valley, shouting anti national slogans, and teach them lesson. But it all proved a fantasy and reverie. The families which live near the busy roads, railway lines and the market places do not allow their children and old members of the family to cross their outer gates. But it is strange how do the parents allow their children and the aged persons take part in stone pelting. It is the universal apprehension that there is some agency which manages and supplies the paid crowd of stone pelters, grenade throwers and rebounding of teargas shells over the security forces. These agencies are to be identified, caught and put behind the wars otherwise the stone pelting will become means for earning amenities in lieu of ani national activities in future. |
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