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World Elders day | | A. K Arora | 9/30/2016 9:56:30 PM |
WORLD ELDERS DAY is celebrated every year on 1st. of October by all the members of the United Nations .There are at present nearly 11.3 crores elders in INDIA out of which 5.7 crores are males and balance females. This figure is likely to jump to 19.8 crores in the year 2030 and to 32.6 crores in the year 2050. This figure is nearly three times the population of elders today.A demographic resolution is under way throughout the world and not confined to our country only. It was on 14th. Of DEC.1990 that United Nations General Assembly voted to celebrate the ELDERS DAY on 1st of October every year as recorded in resolution 45/106(1) ELDERS DAY probably is one of the least glorified of all the days. It is nothing but our apathy. We forget that time is coming when the present youth shall become elders. We should also remember that if they were not here we would not be here. Only time shall prove that we become like them. Grand parents day is celebrated in UNITED STATES and CANADA, Respect Day for the aged in JAPAN Double ninth festival in CHINA and similarly in other countries of the world including INDIA. Even ELDERS ABUSE DAY is celebrated on 15th. Of JUNE every year to highlight the various elderly abuses which the elders have to face in real life. The ELDERS DAY is celebrated to raise awareness about issues of the elders as also to appreciate their contribution to the society. This being the INTERNATIONAL issue the day is observed to promote and moblise for action. The day is also celebrated to enroll their significant involvement in the society, to get promoted from their knowhow and how best this can be utilised for the benefit of the society. ELDERS DAY is also celebrated to introspect as to what we have done or we are doing for them JAPAN claims to take full care of their elders and that is how they have the maximum number of CENTURIONS .Let us remember the contributions of our elders in their hay days the fruits of which we are enjoying Many world days like WORLD EARTH DAY,WORLD CANCER DAY,, WORLD TUBERCLOSIS DAY,, WORLD VALENTINE DAY, and so many other world days are celebrated and each day has an important message for the society. INDIA is a country where the life expectancy is increasing fast. The life span which was only 30 years at the time of Independence has now been projected as 67 years. Children born now are expected to live to a ripe age of 100 years. Thus it is very important to spread awareness amongst the youth to take care of their elders. The GOVT. is equally bound ,under the constitution of INDIA to safe guard the interests of the Elders. With the fast changing socio-economic scenario the ELDERS have been left alone. Main reason being the nuclear families ,especially in urban areas, green pastures outside the country or outside our state. , Extended life period and consequently more medical expenses for the ELDERS, time constraint for the youngsters ,especially where both husband and wife are working , long travelling time , have rendered the Elders on their own without any care both physically and financially. DAY CARE CENTERS is the answer at least to the problem of Elders at home during the day . Many such day care centers are running at various places where recreation facilities are available and in few cases counseling on health are also available. These centers are being run mostly by N.G.O.s and financed by the Central Govt. but sorry no such centre is functioning in our State. In our opinion such of the N.G.O.s should be encouraged to establish such day care centers with a liberal grant-in aid by the Govt. and all districts of the state should be covered. The State Social Welfare Department has sufficient funds to provide such grant-in aid. There now is the problem of such of the elders who are poor and have no one to look after them in their old age. OLD AGE HOMES is the solution to this problem . We have such a good home in JAMMU at Amphalla .This is being run by an N.G.O. of course with a little grant -in -aid from the State Govt. There exists a few more such homes at various places . As a matter of fact there should be at least one such home at each district head quarter. The one at jammu is also lacking more accommodation to, admit more ELDERS. Admittedly the poor rural elders are the sufferers. The family bonds are still stronger in the rural areas but with the fast changing scenario the elders have to suffer and with no respite and there is no alternative left but to suffer in silence and die. Establishment of old age homes is the responsibility of the GOVT. at each district level. Even big business houses can come forward to establish such homes out of their social corporate responsibility. We in JAMMU are fortunate to have Shri Mata Vaishno Devi Shrine and a designated Board to look after its affairs and with sufficient financial resources. The shrine board can definitely come forward to establish such homes. The shrine board has recently established a SUPER SPECIALITY HOSPITAL at Kakrayakl, Katra. One OLD AGE HOME should be the next project. In urban areas the problem is little different. Elders will prefer to stay lonely and suffer rather than joining an old age home. Their children will never like them to get admission in an old age home nor do they get time to attend on them in case of an ailment. Most of the elders in the urban areas are capable of spending for their comforts in their fag end of life. Their children shall also love to have such an arrangement to see their elders live in comfort especially the ones who are residing out side the State or the country. PAY AND STAY HOMES is the solution for such elders. Pay and Stay Homes are available at many places in the country. These Homes are designed to take care of all the problems of the elders including health care. good and hygienic food ,recreational facilities, joint messing , indoor and outdoor games, local dispensary, lifts where more stories of the building are there, security and many more for the comforts of the elders. We have one with the name AASHRAYE at canal road, run by Bee EEn General Hospital. More such homes are required to be established in the city. Being more or less a commercial proposition these Homes are to be established by the civil society, Bank loans are available. The stigma earlier associated with staying in a pay and stay home is gradually reducing and thus a dire need to establish such a home. Govt. Of INDIA formulated a NATIONAL POLICY ON OLDER PERSONS followed by enactment of THE MAINTENANCE AND WELFARE OF PARENTS AND SENIOR CITIZENS ACT,2007. The ACT binds the STATES for establishment of OLD AGE HOMES , Provisions for Medical Care , Protection of life and property and many more provisions for the welfare of senior citizens. However the ACT was not extended to our STATE, thus depriving the ELDERS of the state of the benefits which flow from the various provisions of the ACT. So far we do not have any such our own STATE ACT nor any STATE POLICY. Thus the whole resp onsbility lies on our CIVIL SOCIETY. The response which the civil society has been giving to various NGOs is before us and the we are confident that without waiting for the GOVT. to come forward the civil society shall handle the problem . The Association for welfare of senior citizens is pursuing the Shrine Board also to come forward in this respect. As stated above the celebration of ELDERS DAY is to bring awareness amongst the youth for their responsibilities towards their ELDERS as also to avail the benefits of their rich experience and to intersopect their contribution to the cause. As is known to all of us awareness is very important aspect in all the fields of activity. PRINT and ELECTRONIC MEDIA are the right sources to come forward for this purpose. With the latest technology these medias are very powerful and awareness can reach the remotest corners. We have an STATE ACADEMY of ART and CULTURE which can definitely play an important role for creating awareness amongst the people. The various dramas acts, plays ,skits etc. leave a deep impression on the minds of youngsters . We expect that the ACADEMY shall come forward in this respect and fulfill their responsibility towards a noble cause. Social security is very important for the ELDERS and POLICE DEPTT. Is the epitome for creating a sense of security amongst the ELDERS. Area S.H.O. should know the details of all the elders living in the area. Occasional phone calls, providing instant alarms, priority to the elders whenever they report to the Police Station, posting of police men on the roads where there is volumenous traffic to guide the elders as also to help them cross the roads are a few to quote. This aspect is very important in the present scenario when the elders are only left at home while their children are either out of the country or out side the state pursuing their career, there being bleak prospects of a good career in our state. Awareness for welfare of the ELDERS amongst the youth is equally important. Print and Electronic media is morally bound to take care of this aspect. Any elderly abuse , any crime against the elders, any laxity with the GOVT. agencies for not taking care of the elders etc. should be highlighted in the media. In the present times the MEDIA has an important role to play. With the modern technology the news is spread to the farthest corner of the country in a jiffy. Every developed country takes care of the health of their ELDERS. A policy needs to be laid down in this respect. Health insurance for the elders is an important aspect . It leaves an elder a free mind to live without any stress with regard to his health. There is no such policy with our state Govt. even for their employees. Various Insurance companies do have health insurance policies but for a limited period of life. While on the one hand we are expecting longer life span and on the other hand the age limit. This needs to be looked into seriously. Merely giving some travelling concessions that too in Indian Railways, 0.5 % more interest on the fixed deposits, and may be a few more are not the ultimate soloution. Concluding the ASSOCIATION feels strongly that the STATE GOVT. must frame a STATE POLICY in this respect as also either extend the central ACT or enact its own ACT for the welfare of the ELDERS. |
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