Early Times Report
Udhampur, Oct 6: The Department of Fisheries, Udhampur organized one day Training Programme on "Hygienic Handling of Fish" on at Trout Rearing Unit Kirchi, Dudu with the assistance from National Fisheries Development Board (NFDB). A batch of 25 fish workers from Block Latti Marothi, Dudu Basantgarh etc. attended the training programme. The Sub Divisional Magistrate, Dudu Sandesh Sharma presided over the function. At the outset, the Assistant Director Fisheries, Udhampur Sanjesh Gupta said that the main aim of the programme is to train the Fish workers/handlers about good practices of handing fish so that the shelf life of the fish catch can be enhanced as fish is highly perishable commodity. The training would help the fisherman to fetch good price of their fish catch/produce as hygienic handling of fish plays important role to prevent the spoilage by bacterial and enzymatic action. During the programme the trainers were acquainted about the latest techniques of fish preservation with demonstrations on personal hygiene, equipment hygiene, hygienic method of icing etc. The progressive farmers of the area shown keen interest and share their experiences and briefed the gathering about the achievements and benefits accrued from this avocation. During the occasion, the trout streams of the area viz. Kirchi and Tawi was stocked with quality trout fingerlings to further augment its existing stock in natural cold water bodies of the district. It would play important role in promoting eco-tourism in the area as trout is a popular sport fish among the fish Anglers. The proceedings of the programme and practical demonstrations was conducted by Sh. Rakesh Kumar Paba, Inspector Fisheries, Udhampur and Sh Sudhakar Suith, Farm Manager, Trout Rearing Unit, Kirchi, Dudu. |