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How to encounter the revenge | | | Mahadeep Singh Jamwal
Revenge is obviously a deeply messed up ex pression of vindictiveness. It is hard to even call it evil. It is just plain insanity, a result of deeply messed-up thinking. Revenge is one of the basic tools of human instinct. Revenge lies within us. All revenge is an instinctive human characteristic. There is no conscious effort in a human to decide to take revenge. His freedom lies within his revenge. Ultimately humans need to decide how to handle acts of revenge. Revenge may either be treated freely as an act of nature or be allowed to take its course, or it may be treated with humanistic approach. Revenge causes one to act blinding through anger, rather than through reason. It is a part of human nature that forces us to seek revenge against the person who has granted us with pain. The revenge is improper and wrong way to punish someone for his fault. It is not uncommon when someone does you wrong, to want revenge, it is human nature. If we all treat our adversaries' and those that did us wrong graciously, would it leave us vulnerable for more destruction, or benefit us as a whole in the end? The emotional picture painted in one's mind always keep memories afresh and sentimental state of mind thinks of the reaction. This state of mind we can sum up as revenge. The revenge for the offence is to deprive you of pleasure to complain about the injustice. Revenge is defined as being a harmful action against a person or group in response to a grievance, be it real or perceived. It is used to right a wrong by going outside of the law. Revenge is also known as payback, retribution, retaliation, or vengeance. Revenge has caused the downfall of many a person. Its consuming nature causes one to act recklessly through anger rather than reason. Human nature as a balance of good and evil, humans can use their brain power for good or evil. Revenge has been a common theme in society since, perhaps, the dawn of time. It is instinctually designed into us due to our emotional nature, and it is usually much easier than having to deal with the issue or to discuss it calmly and peacefully. In our lives we have all been on a roller coaster, whether it is in our teenage years or in our adulthood years. There has been a point in our lives when we have fallen out with people that we were really close to, but we have to learn to forget about those things, no matter how hard they may be. Some thought out measures to encounter the revenge are: BE SMART: Smart is a best framework for setting goals to clarify exactly what will be required for achieving success in life but not a stupid to be taken over by the circumstances. Smartness in thinking gives us best of our talent to balance between odd and even, good and bad, positive and negative, and right or wrong. We have to set our goal as specific as possible. The smartness gives us reasoning to make we to differentiate what we have to measure for our progress. What to be smart the some requisites are; Intelligence: there are many ways that you can gain intelligence, but topping the list is the books, an encyclopedia of knowledge. The acquisition of information is the first and foremost step towards acquiring intelligence a step towards to be smart. It will open lot of doors in your life. People will become interested in you and want to be your friend. Even the people that don't like you that much will ask for your help. You will be respected and popular for your intelligence and that will burn up your adversaries inside, although they may not seem to be on the outside. Eventually maybe they will realize what an idiot they were for leaving you and ask to be your friend again. Kind Hearted; it always carries a message when we are nice to respect our kindness. If the people have mistreated us, we should exhibit the depth of our kindness. If what they have done is forgiven and forgotten then it is natural course that we become just normal with them. How you carry yourself, communicates a lot to other people. Positioning yourself confidently will make you genuinely feel cool and comfortable, and it will carry positivity in the minds of other people to think in positive about you. Recognize your Talents and Good; focusing on your better attributes will distract you from perceived flaws and boost your sense of worth. We must focus on compliments from other people. What have they? Told you, about you, that you otherwise haven't noticed or acknowledged? Maybe they've remarked on your smile or your ability to stay cool and collected in stressful situations. Positive Attitudes; think about the qualities you try to cultivate. No one's perfect, but if you're actively trying to be an honorable, good person, give yourself some credit for effort. The fact that you think about bettering yourself, at all says that you're humble and good-hearted, and those are positive attributes. Emotional Control: as the revenge has its origination from emotions, hence we are required to control our emotions. Emotions can be uncomfortable even scary. There is nothing inherently wrong with any kind of emotion. Controlling emotions does not mean ignoring or repressing them. Controlling emotions means learning to process them and respond to them in healthy ways. We can take up some repressive measures such as: " Don't react right away; Reacting immediately to emotional triggers can be an immense mistake and it is not considered as a decision after proper application of mind. " Replace your thoughts; The thoughts can be replaced by having a shift to some entertainment resources like listening to music, songs or viewing some movie of your interests or shifting the focus to reading some books or articles of positivity and interest. Concluding, I feel sharing the emotions with your well wishers, true guides and family setup, this will provide you a vast space to analyze the situation in which we fall encountered. In the words of Jeremy Taylor: "Revenge... is like a rolling stone, which, when a man hath forced up a hill, will return upon him with a greater violence, and break those bones whose sinews gave it motion" and Martin Luther King, Jr. says that "Man must evolve for all human conflict a method which rejects revenge, aggression and retaliation. The foundation of such a method is love" and Shannon L. Alder "If you spend your time hoping someone will suffer the consequences for what they did to your heart, then you're allowing them to hurt you a second time in your mind". Lastly I will say that weak people revenge, strong people forgive and intelligent people ignore. |
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