Agencies Half a year ago, one man set off on a 5,778-mile journey to sound the alarm about India's ailing rivers.
The country's waterways have drawn media attention for some time. The Ganges, one of the most sacred rivers in the world, is also known as the dirtiest. Trash, raw sewage, and even dead bodies have polluted more than half of the rivers across the country, leading to a crisis of both water and sanitation.
So organizations have taken action. Jaggi Vasudev, known as Sadhguru, is a popular yogi who started the Isha Foundation, a spiritual organization, in 1992. In 2017, he wanted to bring attention to the daunting state of India's heavily polluted rivers, so he embarked on a nationwide campaign to revitalize the country's waterways. On a month-long mission called the Rally for Rivers, Sadhguru gathered supporters to join him as he traversed 16 states and held more than 146 public events across India. He stirred up bipartisan support from governments, media, celebrities, and corporations, bringing together 160 million people to voice their concern about the country's fluvial lifelines. |