Srinagar, July 2: The Governor N N Vohra today reallocated the Departments to Advisors B B Vyas, K Vijay Kumar and Khurshid Ahmad Ganai. As per a notification issued by the General Administration Department (GAD) here this evening, the GAD, Planning, Development & Monitoring, Finance, Housing & Urban Development, Rural Development & Panchayati Raj, PDD, Industries & Commerce, Ladakh Affairs, Election, Disaster Management, Relief Rehabilitation & Reconstruction, and Law, Justice & Parliamentary Affairs Departments have been allocated to Advisor B B Vyas. The Departments of Home, Forests, Ecology & Environment, Health & Medical Education, Youth, Services & Sports, Tribal Affairs, Hospitality & Protocol, Civil Aviation, Estates, ARI & Trainings, Information, Information Technology, Labour & Employment, Science & Technology, and Food Civil Supplies & Consumer Affairs have been allocated to the Advisor K Vijay Kumar. Whereas, School Education, Higher Education, Transport, Public Works, PHE & IFC, Revenue, Haj & Auqaf, Technical Education, Agriculture Production, Horticulture/ Floriculture, Animal & Sheep Husbandry, Cooperatives, Tourism, Culture and Social Welfare have been allotted to Advisor Khurshid Ahmad Ganai. "In pursuance of Section-2 of the Jammu and Kashmir Delegation of Powers Act, 2018 (Governor's Act No. 1 of 2018), and in partial modification of SRO-282 dated 23 June 2018, the Governor is pleased to direct that the powers exercisable by a Minister shall be exercised by the Advisors to the Governor in respect of the Departments allocated to them," the order said. Changes in the extant allocations of the departments to the Advisors may be made as and when required. |