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Voting right - Never to be undervalued | (A man without vote is a man without protection) | | Jamwal Mahadeep Singh
A vote is like a rifle: its usefulness de pends upon the character of the user - President Theodore Roosvelt. By voting we add our voice to the chorus that forms policies for the betterment of one and all. The voting is the first act of building a community as well as building a country. Voting and democracy is very important in a nation, because it provides people an opportunity to voice their opinion and vote for what they believe in, it holds elected officials accountable for their behavior while in office, and it prevents a minority from dictating the policies of a majority. Ignorance of one voter in a democracy impairs the security of all. To vote is like the payment of a debt, a duty never to be neglected as we vote for hope, vote for life, vote for a brighter future for all of our loved ones. It is time to change the narrative that bad politicians are sent to parliament and assemblies by misguided voters. If we go back to the 2014 elections, the promises, commitments, and flashy slogans, dominated the scenario and here we cannot run away from the lines of Dennis E. Adonis, an International Journalist "Voting is not a right. It is a method used to determine which politician was most able to brainwash you". Indian elections are all about talking and fake promises. Elections belong to the people. It's their decision. If they decide to turn their back on the fire and burn their behinds, then they will just have to sit on their blisters and common man is experiencing this frenzy. So it becomes important to choose a representative, who will take the time to speak with you, and outline his experience. One should not be afraid to ask questions. After all, you'll be entrusting him by using your valuable vote. In these changing times, the leaders need to be versatile and able to adapt to new situations easily. They should have an open mind towards future plans and the initiative to think of better ways to proceed with plans that have otherwise failed. The leader should be concerned with making sure that generation after generation can experience living in the country "of liberty and justice for all". The good governance means governing the people in a way that the interests of the people of all sections are preserved rightfully, almost the entire individual's rights are protected and they feel that they are not discriminated from one another on the grounds of cast, creed, sex, race and religion. The politicians in our country since the day one have tangled democracy beyond atonement, just to suit their political lust, compromising with the corrupt and criminal minds thus transforming the politics into a lucrative profession. The politicians on the aisles of self elevation, policy of vote bank appeasement has caused deep divisions in society without realizing what is good for the country in actuality. The expensive poll campaigns and other huge expenses made by political parties as well as by individual politician is not a mysterious transaction in India to sabotage the democratic basics of fair elections. As now the 2019 election have set its foot, we will be observing many political news, political terminologies, lucrative sops and mesmerizing vocalization in boisterous voices to influence the balloters. The principal misleaders in election campaigning will be behaving irresponsibly to jump over the musical chairs and will be struggling hard to snatch the same by implying the tactical moves. But one thing will remain common in both the camps of downgrading each other and projecting themselves as only savior of Indian population. The politicians especially those in power always carry clutter in their mind and assume that the voters will keep voting for them, whatever happens? If we will not break this cycle, we will never get anywhere. The election is our chance to take our democracy to the next level; this is our chance to help our democracy succeed. If every voter who wants change goes out and votes on Election Day, we can break this cycle. Our vote belongs to us and nobody else. It is our power. Our right to vote is fundamental, and when access to the ballot box is impeded, our democracy suffers. If we don't vote wisely, we'll continue to get more of the same politicians who put their needs before ours. We have witnessed in 2014 the tall claims during election campaign to do away with the criminalization of politics by tall campaigners Mr. Modi jee, but it is hard reality that money and muscle still dominate the electoral scene in India. Under the situation, a great responsibility ultimately land on the shoulders of the balloters to look for outstanding selection in coming election. To reach at a perfect decision, we have to keep our self away from being influenced by the deceptive vocalization of these power lusty people. As responsible citizens, we should be aware of who we're voting to power. But it is also the responsibility of political parties to give tickets to candidates with unblemished records. If we want good politicians, we need to change our methodology of voting. Votes should not be casted under influence of caste/community/background, fake commitments, hollow slogans. The country desperately needs honest and highly efficient politicians right away. To get the real political stalwarts having concern for country and not for power, we have to filter out a deserving winner in an election and we should ask the political parties fielding their candidates to publicly announce the candidate's educational qualifications, his or her criminal records, assets and liabilities, on the pattern as they are supposed to furnish an affidavit to the ECI. A major chunk of our problem lies within our political system. Lack of robust leadership, scams by politicians, inefficient systems and glaring holes in the current political setup are to be blamed. Our tax money is squandered on massive election campaigning rather than on developmental projects. If we modernize intelligence regarding the formation of Lok Sabhas of 2004, 2009 and 2014, we come across that number of MPs with criminal record is ever increasing. As compared to 2004, the no of MPs with criminal records has gone up It was 24 per cent in 2004 that increased to 30 per cent in 2009 and now has become fattier with 34 per cent MPs with criminal charges.. There were 128 MPs with criminal cases in 2004 Lok Sabha out of which 55 had serious criminal records. There is an increase of 17.2% as compared to 2004 Lok Sabha MPs in 2009 with about 150 MPs with criminal records (Totaling 412 cases) including 73 MPs (30.9% with 213 cases with serious sections of IPC). Of the 16th Lok Sabha One-third of MPs face criminal charges, according to the Association for Democratic Reforms, which analyzed the election affidavits filed before the Election Commission 186 (34%) MPs are charged with criminal charges. Speaking of its party as neat and clean, BJP is leading the chart with as many as 98 winning candidates (35 per cent) out of total 282, are facing criminal charges and further a sizable MPs with criminal charges have been inducted by Modi in his cabinet. Who are to be held responsible for criminalizing the parliament? Obviously, the political parties that field tainted as their party candidates and equal responsibility to be shouldered by the voters also. The criminal intent of these candidates becomes strengthened after they get elected and more so when inducted into the ministries. What the constitution makers had in their minds not to strengthen the constitution by debarring the candidates from contesting elections with criminal record is a matter of discussion and they very well can figured out on the chapters of constitution for short sightedness towards this aspect. The elected governments, who so ever come into power, will never legislate to debar this fraternity, owing to the reason that all parties have vote catching criminals in their fold. So to make the Lok Sabha free of the criminals, the entire responsibility shifts to the balloters'. The great opportunities are knocking the door in 2019 and let us prepare the better voter for better candidates and better future. Always vote for principle though you may vote alone and you may cherish the sweetest reflection that your vote is never lost - President John Quincy Adams.
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