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"Laughter" makes home - "Sukh-Dham, Svarga-Dham and Anand-Dham" | | Mahadeep Singh Jamwal | 7/1/2019 11:07:45 PM |
| As it is very often said and heard that laughing is very good for health and we all should try laughing as much as we can. In today's busy day to day schedule, we have just forgotten how to laugh. The concept of scripting on the subject infiltrated a simple quarry; why we should laugh? Why is laughing good for us? There are plenty of reasons in support of laughing. My full-scale crisscross exploration of laughter came to stoppage with the conclusion; it is substantiated that laughter lifts our spirit and makes us feels happy and better. It can help us feel more alive and empowered. Laughter has endless benefits like boosting our immune system, improving our creativity and memory, brings in a total positive attitude and makes us feel, on the whole, a lot more lighter and fresher. The cure collaborated with laughter is an inexpensive and effortless. It is profitable to our health and longevity. Laughter has guiding principle "we must laugh with the people but not on the people". Vedas give us a message - Jokes and laughter makes home "Sukh-Dham, Svarga-Dham and Anand-Dham". Without jokes and happiness, a home is a painful hell. Of all the forms of being, it is the human being, who is endowed with laughter. A man always smiling and laughing is like a flower which is always blossoming and attracting others. The importance of laughter and a sense of humor and to promote it in practice is centuries old. More than 4000 years in ancient China Empire, there were temples, where people gathered to laugh in order to harmonize health. In India too, are sacred temples, where we can process laughter. Universal enthusiasm in the health benefits of laughter commenced to advance in the 1960s. Dr. William F. Fry, a professor of Psychology at Stanford University, California (United States), was the first scientist to advocate in 1964 that laughter was a reasonable territory of survey and the first to apply for public funding. We come across from the research work of many scientists, the positive results of laughter, such as; Dr. Lee S. Berk, the Associate Dean for Research Affairs, School of Allied Health Professions, Loma Linda University (LLU) California (United States) ascertained that laughter comforts the brain, regulate the stress hormones and discovered a link between laughter and the production of anti-bodies and endorphins, the body's natural pain killers. Dr. Michael Miller, a cardiologist in Baltimore, Maryland (USA) demonstrated that laughter is linked to the healthy function of blood vessels. Dr. Ramon Mora-Ripoll (MD, PhD), a public health expert from Spain, has proven impact, laughter had on people's health, moods and attitude. Dr. Kazuo Murakami, one of the top geneticists in the world and Professor emeritus at the University of Tsukuba (Japan) showed that laughter therapy is an efficient, low-cost medical treatment that can cut healthcare costs by as much as 23%. Dr Norman Cousins a Californian physician applied the joy and good humor to support the recovery and treatment of diseases, obtaining beneficial results. From then began using the technique of laughter therapy in hospitals in USA, Switzerland, Germany and France. Steve Wilson, a psychologist from Ohio, USA, developed a passion for laughter and humor starting in the 1970s and brought the concept of Laughter Clubs to the USA in the late 1990s. Osho an Indian mystic and spiritual teacher that had a notable impact on Western spirituality as well as New Age thought, in 1988 introduced the 'Mystic Rose Meditation' in the form of laughter, tears and silence. He placed 'Laughter' on the spiritual radar as a therapy, claiming laughter can be a great medicine and it can cure many tensions, anxieties, and worries, if it is total and unconditional. Laughter Yoga is a revolutionary idea simple and profound and worked out as a complete wellbeing. No one comes into the hospital to be treated for joyousness. The brain child of Dr. Madan Kataria, a physician from Mumbai, launched the first laughter club on March 13, 1995, with merely a handful of 5 persons. Today Dr. Kataria heads 'Laughter Yoga International'. Laughter Yoga have become a worldwide phenomenon with 1,000's of Social Laughter Clubs in over 65 countries. Laughter is universal with no language or cultural barriers. Human beings can laugh; no other species is gifted with this amazing capacity. The ability to laugh is a great honor. In the stressful era, when we are obsessed with number of ailments and many of them are linked for their origin with stress, it becomes crucial as to take out some changes in our behaviors. We come across cognitive behavioral therapy that helps us to think more positively about life and free our self from unhelpful patterns of behavior. Ultimately this pattern of therapy guides us to go for a therapy that doesn't require any therapist to guide at every moment and in this way 'Laughter Therapy' also known as 'Humor Therapy' comes our way. It is simply the use of laugh/humor to promote overall health and wellness. It aims to use the natural corporeal mechanism of laughter to help relieve physical or emotional stresses or discomfort. Laughter administers health gains. When we laugh, medical discipline enlighten that our blood pressure and pulse rates drop slightly. The body's natural feel-good chemicals, contrived by body in response to pain or extreme physical exertion, in medical terms called 'Endorphin' and a type of white blood cells that are part of the immune system, in medical dictionary called as T-Cells are triggered by laughter and are released into our bodies. The science tells us that laughter decreases stress hormones and increases immune cells and infection-fighting antibodies, thus improving our resistance to disease. Different studies have been done and most of them have very similar results and directs that Laughter can indeed extend our life. In the last 30 years much has been achieved in the implementation of laughter as therapy. Norman Cousins words "Hearty laughter is a good way to 'Joga' internally without having to go outdoors" required to be taken seriously for happy life. Concluding laughter is a frequently occurring social signal and an important part of human non-verbal communication. But under the worries of protocol and sophistications, many people have forgotten to laugh in their life. It is unfortunately many people struggle with forced laughter. The laughter-inducing techniques are relied on social interactions in groups, watching funny internet videos, and playing social computer games. An important factor to ensure that laughter would be readily induced is to create relaxed atmosphere. However there is certainly a take home message here in the script that reminds us how important, it is to laugh once in a while. Laughter really is the best medicine that tightens our stomach and strengthens our heart, and regular laughing boosts our immune system. If we want to live a happy, healthy, joy-filled life, we need to learn to laugh that removes negativity from within us. I dare to assign the article to those, who have forgotten to laugh with the message, that good laugh is sunshine in the house and the laughter is the sound of soul dancing. In short, no matter what situation we are in or how low we feel, if we find a reason to laugh, then we must go ahead and this would help us to overcome all our stress, fear and anxiety and enable us to solve the problem. "Through humor, you can soften some of the worst blows that life delivers. And once you find laughter, no matter how painful your situation might be, you can survive" -- Bill Cosby, an American stand-up comedian, actor, musician, and author. |
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