Early Times Report jammu, Mar 17: Jammu and Kashmir Government on Tuesday ordered transfer and posting of five civil servants and one KAS officer. As per Government Order No 385-JK (GAD) of 2020, Dr Asgar Hassan Samoon, IAS(JK 1993), Principal Secretary to the Government, Animal and Sheep Husbandry Department, holding additional charge of Administrative Secretary, Transport Department, is transferred and posted as Principal Secretary to the Government, School Education Departrnent. He shall continue to hold the charge of Administrative Secretary, Transport Department, in addition to his own duties, till further orders. Navin Kumar Choudhary, Principal Secretary to the Government, Education Department, holding additional charge of Administrative Secretary, Technical Education Department, is transferred and posted as Principal Secretary to the Government, Animal and Sheep Husbandry Department. He shall hold the additional charge of Administrative Secretary, Agriculture and Horticulture Departments, upon the retirement on superannuation of Manzoor Ahmad Lone, IAS on 1.03.2020. He shall also continue to hold the charge of Administrative Secretary, Technical Education Department, in addition to his own till further orders. Shailendra Kumar, Chief Electoral Officer, J&K and Principal Secretary to the Government, Election Department, is transferred and posted as Principal Secretary to the Government, Social Welfare Department. The officer shall also be Officer on Special Duty in the Public Works (R&B) Department. He shall hold the additional charge of Administrative Secretary, Public Works (R&B) Department, upon the retirement on superannuation of Khurshid Ahmad Shah, IAS on 30.4.2020. Pandurang Kondbarao Pole Secretary to the Government, Department of Food, Civil, Supplies and Consumer Affairs, is transferred and posted as Divisional Commissioner, Kashmir. Simrandeep Singh, Administrative Secretary, Department of Disaster Management, Relief, Rehabilitation and Reconstruction, shall hold the charge of Administrative Secretary, Department of Food, Civil, Supplies and Consumer Affairs, in addition to his own duties, till further orders. Syed Abid Rasheed Shah, Additional Secretary to the Government, Finance Department, holding additional charge of CEO, Mission Youth, shall also hold the additional charge of Chief Executive Oficer, J&K Economic Reconstruction Agency, till further orders, relieving Principal Secretary to the Government, Planning, Development and Monitoring Department of the additional charge of the post. Babila Rakwal, KAS, Director, Handlooms, J&K, is transferred and posted as Vice-Chairman. |