JAMMU, June 14: Strictly observing the social distancing and prescribed protocol, a brief and simple function was held by Nami Dogri Sanstha (NDS) to felicitate SHO RS Pura Jai Paul Sharma for his outstanding services as a tireless and dedicated “Corona Warrior”. President NDS, Dogra Harish Kaila presented a scarf and a “Sanstha Memento” to SHO RS Pura and lauded him for his professionalism andcommitment to help the people and effectively enforcing the prescribed corona protocol in these trying times of Covid-19 pandemic . NDS besides literary endeavours felicitates the outstanding Duggar personalities as well for their outstanding services in their respective fields connected with public interest. Kaila said that entire Duggar is indebted to such “Corona Warriors” who are risking their lives at this critical juncture to serve the society in right earnest. Others who were present include Advocate Amit Gupta, Vice President NDS Rohit Chaudhary RTI Activist and a Kissan leader Parshotam Gupta, Naresh Langer, Shyam Sawhney, Kiran Chaudhary, Vinay Verma and Devinder Singh Sodhi.