Jammu, June 28: Apparently in gang war a group of unidentified persons yesterday night chopped off hands a history-sheeter in Balmiki Nagar. Rohan Thapa alias Kallu, was recently released from jail, went to Balmiki Nagar with his companion. “Four unidentified youths who had already ambushed Kallu and attacked him with sharp edged weapons and chopped off his both hands and decamped from the spot leaving him in the pool of blood”, Police officials told Early Times, adding that the injured Kallu has been hospitalised for treatment. “Gandhi Nagar Police has registered a case under 307, and on basis of the victim’s statement, some suspects have been picked up by the Police in this case, investigation is going on. Rohan Thapa, himself a history sheeter, has atleasts 10 FIRs against him at Bage-Bahu Police station and two FIRs at Gandhi Nagar Police Station”, sources said. However sources in the Police department do not acknowledge it as a gang wire, but it is being believed that it was gang-war.