JAMMU, July 21: Crime Branch (CB) Jammu produced charge sheet against three accused involved in a case of land grabbing. The charge sheet was produced against Harbans Lal and Guldev Raj, both sons of Bua Ditta of Kothey Maley Arnia, and Rani Devi, daughter of Bua Ditta and wife of Kali Dass of Ward No 3 Kathua in case FIR No 29/2017 U/S 420, 467, 468, 471, 120-B, 201 RPC P/S Crime Branch Jammu for hatching a criminal conspiracy to grab the land of complainant of the case in the Court of City Judge, Jammu. A written complaint lodged by Sunil Kumar, son of Om Parkash of Village Harsa Dabbar Tehsil Bishnah duly endorsed by Ld. Judicial Magistrate Ist Class (City Judge) Jammu was received in Crime Branch Jammu, which alleged that his father Om Parkash, son of Bua Ditta was the owner of 6 Kanals of land situated at village Kothey Maley Tehsil Bishnah and his uncle Harbans Lal son of Bua Ditta of Kothey Maley Tehsil Arnia hatched criminal conspiracy in order to grab his land property by preparing a back dated forged and fraudulent agreement to sell the land in question. During the course of investigation, documentary, oral and circumstantial evidences were collected. It was established that accused had hatched a criminal conspiracy to grab the part of land of their brother for wrongful gain to themselves and corresponding loss to the complainant. The accused persons had prepared a back dated fake/fictitious agreement to sell the said land in question and debarred the complainant from cultivation of his own land.