JAMMU, Mar 1: Senior National Conference Vice President, District Kishtwar and renowned social worker from Marwah, Ghulam Rasool Magrey has filed a complaint before the Cyber Police Jammu. In his complaint, Magrey demanded registration of an FIR against the culprits involved in creating a Facebook page “NC Marwah Bakwas” wherein his pictures had been used by the miscreants spreading malicious propaganda. As per the complaint, the copy of which is available with Early Times, the complainant stated that some unidentified persons had created a Facebook page and are using his picture in the said Facebook ID tarnishing his image by uploading objectionable posts including some edited voice over messages portraying him in bad sense requesting the Cyber Police Jammu to lodge an FIR in this regard under relevant sections of cyber laws and booked the culprits involved in creating the fake Facebook ID. Speaking to Early Times, victim Ghulam Rasool Magrey confirmed that he had approach the Cyber Police Station Jammu with the complaint added that he is hopeful that culprits behind the said Facebook page will get identified and punished as per law. “It is has become fun for some people to make mockery of prominent peace loving people by spreading malicious propaganda through social media, someone had to withstand against this menace and I decided to do that,” said Magrey. He said that earlier also some youths had circulated objectionable clips through various social media platforms having potential to disrupt the peace and tranquility in Kishtwar District, adding that though police had registered an FIR at police station Marwah, but no arrest has been made so far as a result of which they are doing whatever they want to do without having any fear of law. “Let police take stern action against the culprits so that peace loving citizens like him can lead a peaceful life,” Magrey said, anticipating action against the guilty persons. |