JAMMU, Mar 8: Romesh Gupta took over the charge as President Jammu Central Mahajan Sabha (JCMS) today after being declared elected for the post yesterday. On the occasion, a large number of members of the Mahajan community including Chief Patrons, Patrons, office bearers, working committee members, wards, delegates and many other dignified personalities from many other organizations were present. They all garlanded and congratulated Romesh Chander Gupta on his brilliant success. Romesh Chander Gupta after taking over the charge of the post of President JCMS heartily thanked the members of Mahajan community for giving honour to him by casting huge number of votes in his favour. He assured that he would leave no stone unturned to meet their expectations. Gupta further added that he would try his best to take Mahajan Community to more heights and achieve more mile stones on the road of community progress. Gupta specially mentioned that he would even try his best in getting cooperation and assistance of the members who stood against him in the last election held on 07.03.2021. The prominent personalities who were present on the occasion included Arun Gupta President Chamber of Commerce and his team, Murari Lal and his team, Amar Chand Gupta, Om Parkash Mahajan (Kaku Shah), Shiv Pratap Gupta, Om Parkash Gupta, and others.