Jammu, June 16: A cop of Jammu and Kashmir Police has turned ‘Bajrangi Bhaijan’ on Wednesday and after hectic efforts of around 24 hours, finally succeeded in reuniting a missing child with his family in gangyal area here on city outskirts. Station House Officer, Police Station Gangyal, Raghubir Singh Choudhary said that information was received about one child, aged about 6 to 7 years, who had inadvertently gone missing from his house and was abandoned. He disclosed his name as Veera and father’s name (Ajay Kumar) but was unable to remember the residential address. “Our men took custody of the missing child on receiving the information. The Special Police Officer (SPO) Subhash Sharma, boarded him on his motorbike and after 4-5 hour efforts, was able to trace the location,” said the SHO. The SPO however, also purchased a packet of biscuit and other items for the Child. “The child was handed over to the family after legal formalities at the Police Station,” he added. However, the locals lauded the role of Jammu Police and termed the SPO as ‘Bajrangi Bhaijan’, who toiled hard in tracing the family of the missing child. |