Rupee starts on a weak note, tracking war, higher oil and lower equities | | | The rupee started on a weak note, tracking the Russia-Ukraine war, lower equities and higher oil prices, which rose over 3 per cent to above $111 a barrel on supply concerns. At the start of the week, the rupee closed over 0.4 per cent weaker at 76.15 against dollar. Reuters quoted the rupee at 76.12 a dollar on Monday, while PTI reported that the currency slumped 31 paise to close at 76.15 provisionaly. At the interbank foreign exchange, the rupee opened at 76.08 against the US dollar, after closing at 75.84 on Thursday. Indian markets were closed on Friday on account of the 'Holi' festival. Domestic bourses settled in the red on Monday, as financial markets brace for more turmoil this week as the Russia-Ukraine conflict shows little signs of easing. |