Vijay Garg
The schedule for the annual examinations of the children has been released. In the month of April, the annual assessment of the education of school students is done through examinations, but in the name of examination, there is an atmosphere of tension and fear among the children. Due to which children are not able to give 100% result in the examination. Just as the children celebrate the festival with great pomp, in the same way the examination should also be treated as a festival. Examination is an annual assessment of the child’s education, so there should be celebration, not exam stress. Children should focus on basic concepts. Which solves all the basic problems of the course. Today, in the race of getting good marks, students pay more attention to rote system, which is not useful in the age of competition. Children should do group discussion by taking the topic in the class, which is a very useful method. Before the exam, one should read the question paper thoroughly and take the exam calmly. Students get tensed just because of the name of the exam. Especially the students of the board make the exam a breeze. But this should not happen because the board exam is also like the common exam. Therefore, students should forget the stress and prepare. He told the children that the subject which is difficult for the student to pay attention to, take the help of his classmate and teacher for this. Students should also take annual examinations as normal schedule. Students keep giving some or the other test throughout the year, then why should they consider the exam as stress. For the preparation of the exam, they should make their own time table and get up early in the morning and prepare it. School management should also organize pre board examination at their level. At the same time, teachers should work to instill confidence in the students. Understand the subject instead of rote tendency, so whoever reads, reads with interest and does not panic and moves ahead with hard work and confidence, they will not find any examination difficult. The stress of studies dominates the children during the exam days. Even if they make all their preparations, but a stress dominates their mind, but it is important to avoid letting these reasons dominate themselves, only then you will be able to give your best result. The first need is to be relaxed during the days of examinations. So for a good exam, study regularly, sleep properly, exams are a challenge, accept this challenge. Exams are a small part of your life and what you will do in life does not depend only on them. This is only a step in the way. |