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Mani Shankar Aiyer and Congress’ Treason in Pakistan | | | Hari Om That the so-called grand old party of India, Indian National Congress, never considered Jammu and Kashmir an integral part of India was never in doubt. Right since October 26, 1947, when Maharaja of Jammu and Kashmir, Hari Singh, exercised the power vested in him by the Indian Independence Act to link the fate of his Princely State with India, the Congress had been under one pretext or the other holding Jammu and Kashmir aloof from India to appease those who believed in, and continue to believe in, the regressive and exclusivist Kashmiri Muslim sub-nationalism. Left to Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru, who was known for his hatred towards nationalist Hari Singh and perverted approach towards the State, he would not have accepted the Maharaja’s offer of accession with India. He accepted the offer only after Kashmir-based National Conference leader Sheikh Abdullah, who had no locus standi in the matter, endorsed the Maharaja’s offer. Sheikh turned to Nehru only after his emissaries — Bakshi Ghulam Mohammad and Ghulam Mohammad Sadiq — failed to persuade the ardent believers in the concept of two-nation — Mohammad Ali Jinnah and Liaqaut Ali Khan — to allow Jammu and Kashmir to enjoy an autonomous status within (the yet-to-be-created) Pakistan. Jawaharlal did endorse the Maharaja’s offer of accession, but he never allowed the State’s complete constitutional integration with India. It was at his behest that divisive, communal, anti-people and anti-democratic Article 370 was incorporated in the under-preparation Indian Constitution in October 1949. It was nothing but a conspiracy against the nation in the sense that this atrocious Article allowed the solitary State of Jammu and Kashmir to have a separate constitution and separate flag. In effect, Nehru betrayed the nation and created Republic of Kashmir within the Indian republic. Not content with what Nehru did to accord legitimacy to the Kashmiri Muslim sub-nationalism, jeopardise the paramount national interests in Jammu and Kashmir, throw in the lot of the very vast nationalist constituency with the communal and anti-Jammu and anti-Ladakh Kashmiri Muslim leadership and provide an opportunity to hostile nations to question the very political status of the State vis-à-vis India, he hatched one more conspiracy against the nation in May 1954. He ensured incorporation of Article 35-A in the Indian Constitution to empower the Kashmiri Muslim leadership to grant or not to grant citizenship rights to a group or groups of people not considered State Subjects under the State Subject Definition of 1927 and 1932. The discriminatory Article was enforced in the State on May 14, 1954 without taking the Parliament into confidence. It created a high wall between the so-called State Subjects and the rest of the Indians. The worst sufferers were the refugees from Pakistan, all Hindus, and daughters of the State married outside the State to non-State Subjects. Refugees from Pakistan, who have been residing in different parts of Jammu province since their migration in 1947, do not exercise any citizenship right in Jammu and Kashmir. Similarly, the children of the daughters of the State married outside the State to non-State Subjects cannot inherit any property in the State or obtain any government job in Jammu and Kashmir. In between, Nehru also held negotiations with Wazir-e-Azam Sheikh Abdullah in 1952 to re-determine the political status of the State or to discuss which powers the State will exercise and what will be the jurisdiction of Delhi over Jammu and Kashmir, as if Jammu and Kashmir was a disputed territory, which it was not. Ever since then, the nation has been paying through its nose because of the unforgivable wrongs committed by Nehru and later on, by his daughter Indira Gandhi and her son Rajiv Gandhi. Like Nehru, Indira Gandhi also entered into negotiations with Sheikh Abdullah and the result was the Indira Gandhi-Sheikh Abdullah Accord of 1974. The nasty Accord empowered Sheikh Abdullah, who was then leading the anti-India Plebiscite Front, to review the Central Laws introduced in the State after his arrest and dismissal on August 9, 1953 under the charge of sedition and seek withdrawal of such Laws which he considered harmful for the “Special Status” of Jammu and Kashmir. The Accord also brought the deflated Sheikh back to power in the State after a long gap of 22 years, who left no stone unturned to communalise the polity and further muddy the Indian waters in the State. As for Rajiv Gandhi, he entered into an accord with Sheikh Abdullah’s son, Farooq Abdullah, in 1986 to enable the Congress to share power with the pro-greater autonomy National Conference in Jammu and Kashmir. The Accord resulted in the wholesale rigging of the 1987 Assembly elections and the rise of violent secessionist movement in the Kashmir Valley. The anti-India movement that erupted in the Valley in the wake of subversion of the democratic process continues unabated even today. Its fallout has been the expulsion of the whole of the minority community of Kashmiri Hindus from the Valley, migration of all Dogras and all Ladakhis from Kashmir and conversion of Kashmir into a one-community and one-religion region. And still, our “secular” opinion-makers and bulk of the Indian political class hail “Kashmiriyat” as something very unique, commendable and vey noble. If what Nehru, Indira and Rajiv did systematically and in a most brazen manner during their regimes drove Jammu and Kashmir away from the national mainstream, what former Minister of External affairs Salman Khurshid did in Pakistan on November 12, 2015 at the Karachi-based Jinnah Institute, an anti-India think-tank, and former Minister Mani Shankar Aiyer did in the same country in a TV studio on November 17 were nothing but acts of treasons committed willfully to help the Pakistani anti-India cause. Being a former Foreign Minister, Salman Khurshid was expected to defend the Indian stand on Jammu and Kashmir by calling the Pakistani bluff, rejecting the Islamabad’s belligerency and telling in Pakistan what Nawaz Sharif’s dispensation did in Jammu and Kashmir after he became Prime Minister for the third time in 2013, but it was not to be. He shamelessly condoned all the Pakistani crimes, praised Pakistan Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif, hailed Pakistan’s policy on scourge of terrorism and charged the Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s Government with not reciprocating the Pakistani goodwill gestures calculated to forge a lasting peace in South Asia. He crossed the fine line when he denigrated the Indian Prime Minister, saying that the latter had still to learn how to be a statesman. “India has not responded to Pakistan’s overtures for peace in South Asia the way it should have,” said Salman Khurshid, and added that “Prime Minister Modi is still learning how to be a statesman”. “If India wanted to move forward in its dialogue with Pakistan, it would have to take care rather than to unsettle the democratic political order in Islamabad,” he further said. The meaning and implications of what Salman Khurshid said were grave for India. Indeed, Salman Khurshid committed not one but two acts of sedition against India on the Pakistani territory, one each against the bleeding Indian nation and the other against the democratically-elected government. By saying what he said, Salman Khurshid established that the Congress represents Pakistan in India and that the Congress party is not really a party of Indians. Mani Shankar Aiyer, who hardly talks sense, went several steps further to identify the Congress with the Pakistani hate and break-India bloody crusade. He told a Pakistani anchor that if Kashmir issue was to be resolved, Prime Minister Narendra Modi had to be removed and the Congress’s (mis)rule to be re-established in Delhi. “Hameon le aaiye, inhein hataiye, pahle Modi ko hatao (bring in the Congress, remove him, first shunt out Modi),” Aiyer told the Pakistani anchor when asked about how the Congress party plans to resolve the Kashmir issue. He virtually appealed to the Pakistani government to ensure the ouster of Narendra Modi Government and re-install in New Delhi the Congress government so that it could play the Pakistani games in the South Block with utmost ease or unchecked and create conditions leading to the segregation of Jammu and Kashmir from India and its merger with Muslim Pakistan. Now that Congress and its two former ministers have committed acts of treason against India, it’s time for the Election Commission of India to derecognise the Congress party and for the Government of India to start criminal proceedings against Salman Khurshid and Mani Shankar Aiyer so that a moral effect is produced and a right signal goes across the globe that Narendra Modi Government means business. The nation would appreciate the BJP-led NDA Government and the Election Commission of India if they act and act tough against the Congress party and the Pakistani spokespersons like Salman Khurshid and Mani Shankar Aiyer. We are not a banana republic; we are a self-respecting nation and, hence, we cannot and must not allow any space to those who work against the Indian State. |
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