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Salafi-Terrorist-Pak Axis onslaught in Kashmir
M.M.Khajooria9/7/2016 10:48:31 PM

Pakistan Prime
Minister Nawaz
Shrief is a frustrated and desperate man. The meticulously planned terrorist putsch in Kashmir in collaboration with a painstakingly cobbled up axis of Kashmir Salafi Jammat Ahil-Hadees-,Hafiz Syed led terrorist combine, the separatist -Geelani -Yasin Malik - Mirwaiz trio was losing steam. All calculation had gone haywire. Delhi was "uncharacteristically" unfazed and CM Mehbooba Mufti unexpectedly combative. To top it all, the world community was unmoved by anti India propaganda blitz and his Ambassadors in world capitals had miserably failed to evoke interest in wild allegations of "Massive human right violations, merciless killing and blinding of children and unprecedented atrocities of the Indian army of occupation on peaceful Kashmiri protestors".
In sheer desperation, Nawaz Sharif "decided to send twenty two parliamentarians (More aspirants were in the pipeline) to fight the case of Kashmir in different parts of the world . These special envoys are to apprise the world about the brutalities and human rights abuses committed by Indian forces in held Kashmir". Despite persistent rebuffs by the international community, Nawaz refuses to give up.
Having said this, let me emphasise that for us in India there was neither any cause for celebration nor complacency . This is surly no time to indulge in a critique exercise. .However, to put it mildly, the governments in Delhi and Srinagar have not exactly covered themselves with glory in handling the on-going Pak-Salafi-Terrorist mischief on both administrative/ security and ideological fronts. For instance ,our Ambassadors in world capitals were either not tasked by the Ministry of External affairs or failed to proactively project the true picture of the ground realties in Kashmir. What were incontrovertible facts?
a) The current valley-wide Jehadist terror campaign in Kashmir was NOT spontaneous but meticulously planned and executed with military precision. "Eid-Kay Baad Koi Badi Baat Honey Wali Hai" was the common refrain in Srinagar all through the holy month of Ramzan. Geelani, Mirwaiz Omar Farooq and Yasin Malik, working on cross purposes were pressurised by Rawalpindi to come on a common platform in preparation for the operations. Even unarmed policemen were shot in public to promote demoralisation in the force which was in the forefront of anti- terrorist ops.
b) The programming of daily operations was settled centrally and the schedule remanded to Geelani and Co for public announcement. ( Identity of professionals including those deputed form Rawalpindi was yet to be verified) . Detailed instructions were transmitted through the network of Mosques mostly of Ahil-i-Hadees variety by Imams . Local committees controlled Ahil-i- Hadees, Jammat-i-Islami cadres and Lashkar Terrorists performed the crucial task of execution especially ensuring the public turnout and junctions of merger from different directions and locations.
c) The crowds that were assembled after the termination of Burhan wani were not holding protest demonstrations nor did they put forth any particular demand .
1 . Brain washed, motivated and dedicated Salafees and Jammat Islami cadres led highly charged ,deeply provoked and psychologically programmed crowd to attack Police stations/ Posts, CRPF Pickets / bunkers and Army camps / installations for revenge killings, arson and looting / destruction of weapons and public property. Large number of Government offices, Police and security installations were attacked, ransacked and burnt down . From some Police Stations/Posts weapons were looted and used for firing at over-whelmed police men. Groups of terrorists ensured "discipline" amongst the demonstrators"
Even as the Home Minister led All Parties delegation was in Srinagar meeting delegations , violent crowd torched the office of Dy-Commissioner at Shopian in South Kashmir. The pattern set on day one has been adhered to all through.
d) Crowds were commandeered by local cadres under directions the Pak-Salafi-Terrorist Axis
Each House Hold was required to contribute at least one male member. Regular roasters were maintained and defaulters punished in full public view
Lashkar-i-Toiba / Hizb terrorists were detailed in lead role in assault groups. Remember, Hafiz Sayed had proudly told the media that the Lashkar commander in Kashmir was leading the Funeral procession of Burhan Wani. This was corroborated by the strips shown on all prominent channels.
It is also known that Terrorist Burhan Wani was in touch with Hafiz Sayed and that he was fascinated by the ISIS Caliphate
e)) In almost all cases of firing by the Police/Security forces resulting in civilian causalities frenzied mobs had attacked hopelessly out numbered and under seize police/ Security Forces personal leaving them with no alternative if public property were to be protected and their own lives. Saved. On the other hand the terrorists and Ahil-i-Hadees/Jammat goons exhibited extreme brutality and irrational vengeance .Take for instance the Sangam incident in South Kashmir. A reinforced heavy Police vehicle was pushed into river Jehlum along with the non-combatant driver , who was not allowed to dismount despite desperate pleas to spare his life.
f))The level of restraint shown by Police/security forces can be gauged from the number of injured persons. At the peak of violence out of about six thousand injured the share of . Policemen / security force personel exceeded three thousand four hundred. More importantly the injuries were sustained in more than six hundred , repeat SIX HUNDRED incidents of mob violence. These statistics would place the ground realities in true perspective.
The silent Kashmiri majority shocked into silence by "the massive" meticulously contrived Street Action post elimination of the Hafiz Syed protégé and self proclaimed terrorist Burhan Wani by Indian security forces was showing signs of asserting their will and right to normal life . They have had enough. This was tellingly demonstrate on 30th August when curfew was lifted from the whole valley except two Police Stations in Srinagar city. Shops opened in Lal Chowk, in capital city's main business hub for the first time aft 8th July. Significantly, shops also opened in Anantnag, the nerve centre of South Kashmir and many other places.
Unnerved by the open defiance of Terrorist Diktat , goons were let loose who damaged vehicles, beat up drivers, (mostly owner drivers), threatened and roughed up shop keepers. Even Trucks carrying LPG cylinders desperately needed by consumers were not spared. Mercifully the Police intervened in time and escorted the trucks to their destination. According to Press reports a badly jolted Hurriyat (G) spokesperson "Cautioned these people ( who defied their Hukamnama) that we have an eye on them as well" The Hurriyat spokes person warned that there will be no amnesty for those defying the Hurriyat shut down call " "Time", the statement philosophically added "is always in motion and when your bad time comes there will be no scope for MAFINAMAS( Public apologies)". However, Drivers of Three wheelers took on the Jehadi goons in Barzulla, Srinager only yesterday and gave them a liberal dose of their own medicine after they had beaten a Three Wheeler driver for plying in defiance of "the leadership Diktat"
The true character of the 'peoples' struggle' thus was out in the open. Let the world community judge.
Extreme terror talks the length and breadth of Kashmir valley. Houses of policemen, elected representatives, eminent politicians and even Special Police officers were torched. An MLA attempting to escape to Srinagar in his vehicle during middle of the night was accosted by Enforcing group of rowdies with murderous intent. The vehicle overturned causing gracious injures to the Member of J&K Assembly who was with great difficulty taken to Srinagar State Hospital . But the threat to life of the injured did not recede. He had finally to be admitted in military hospital. The congress candidate who contested against Mehbooba Mufti in the last by-elections was seized by the Jehadees in full public view , forced to shout Anti- India, Pro-Azadi and Pakistan Zindabad slogans to the glee of jeering and prancing of Jehadees.He was also made to resign from the Congress party. Private houses of the state Education Minister and a member of Rajya Sabha were also torched. These and many more such instances prove the true character of what Nawaz Sherif was trying to sell to the world community as " peaceful protests by innocent Kashmiris". May one ask Nawaz Sherif who was committing "inhuman atrocities" and on whom? The evidence was there for the world to see
It needed to be stated categorically that the current Wahabi Jehadist mini war against the India in Kashmir theatre had a wider and more sinister agenda of balkanisation the Indian nation state beginning with de-accession of Jammu & Kashmir from India and its merger with Pakistan. Hafiz Syed, the Dawa chief and Lashkar-i-Toiba Supremo, Hafiz Sayed, a UN named terrorist carrying US bounty of ten million dollars on his head , the Master mind of Mumbai 26/11 and the main architect of the on-going putsch in Kashmir was on record that his ultimate aim was to hoist Pak flag on the Delhi Red Fort .Pakistan government and Pak army were , obviously on board in this nefarious design Pertinently, Khurasan chapter of ISIS charged with the responsibility of establishing Nizam-i-Mustafa in Indian sub -continent had Kashmir prominently on their radar. The on-going "Jehad" in Kashmir therefore also had global relevance. Our Ambassadors in the world capitals would be well advised to pro-actively and forcefully apprise the governments and people of respective countries of ground realties as well as the true character and global implications of Salafi-Terrorist_ Pak mischief in Kashmir
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