JAMMU, May 17: In a weird incident, the Additional Deputy Commissioner (ADC), Basohli tried to heckle Vice Chairperson (VC), Municipal Committee (MC), Basohli during a public darbar held by the Deputy Commissioner Kathua. According to sources, the VC MC Basohli, Abhinav Razdan was highlighting the issues when the ADC, Tilak Raj got infuriated. “ADC is unaware about the works being done by the social workers in wake of Corona virus outbreak. A girl stitched 10000 masks and distributed to masses, but the ADC couldn’t spread this information. He even didn’t appreciate her works despite the fact that everything is happening under his nose”, the VC MC Basholi said, addressing the gathering during Darbar. Meanwhile, the ADC interrupted the VC, but the latter kept on speaking, then suddenly the ADC left his chair and tried to catch the VC, but the other officers intervened and pacified him. The VC while talking to Early Times said that the ADC has not taken any initiative since the day of Coronavirus outbreak in country and countrywide lockdown was declared. “There was complete mismanagement in the quarantine centre established in the town. The inmates of the centre have been seen roaming in the market. The ADC did not entertain the migrant labourers, and kept government ration supply on hold for month at least”, he said, adding that today when he raised all these issues during the Darbar, he got infuriated and tried to attack me. However, when ADC was contacted, he said that the VC is creating mess in this crucial time. “They want publicity without any contribution, two organizations Radha Soami and Basohli United are contributing a lot during this time of crisis, but these people are busy in leg pulling, rather than contributing something constructive”, he added. |