SRINAGAR, Mar 5: Various Panch representatives from Lolab and other peripheral areas of Kupwara district on Friday joined Apni Party at its office in Lal Chowk, Srinagar. The joining took place in presence of Party President Syed Mohammad Altaf Bukhari, Vice President Zaffar Iqbal Manhas, General Secretary Rafi Ahmed Mir, Provincial President Kashmir Mohammad Ashraf Mir, State Secretary and District President Budgam Muntazir Mohi-ud-din, Media Advisor Farooq Andrabi, District President Srinagar Noor Mohammad Sheikh, District President Kupwara Raja Manzoor, DDC Deputy Chairperson Bilal Bhat, Vice President Kupwara Abdul Rehman Wani, District Secretary Kupwara Bilal Arif Lone, Coordinator Feroz Ahmad Ghani, In-charge Ganderbal Javid Ahmad Mir, Provincial President Youth Wing Kashmir Khalid Rathore, Block President Sogam Farooq Ahmed Bhat, Maha Wali Khan, Mohammad Skinder, Abdul Majid Kohli, Abdul Rahim Wani, Ali Mohammad Sheikh and Shabir Ahmad Poswal. The Panchayat members who joined Apni party included: Shams-ud-Din Khatana (Sarpanch Halqa Khurhama), Shabir Ahmad Bhat (Sarpanch Dooras-A Lolab), Bashir Ahmad Bhat (Sarpanch Halqa Walrula Lolab), Ex-Halqa President PC Ghulam Hassan Gogi and Ex-Halqa Youth President PDP Mohammad Ishaq Dar. Addressing the joining ceremony, Bukhari said that Apni Party stands by its principle of ‘Politics of Truth’ and avoids exploitation of emotions of the people. “Our agenda has always been in line with the peace and progress of Jammu and Kashmir. We don’t believe in demagogy but rather our efforts are focused on alleviating the sufferings of the people,” he remarked. Bukhari welcomed the new entrants into the party-fold and said that the restoration of Statehood is a prime focus of the Party and it is putting all efforts for its early restoration. “Our party will leave no stone unturned until the Statehood is reinstated. This is my commitment on behalf of my party that we will never compromise on this issue even though other political stakeholders have started realizing its importance,” Bukhari said. The new entrants thanked the Party leadership for providing them with such a platform and avowed to strengthen the party at grass root levels. |