JAMMU, Mar 18: Apni Party today launched a basic membership drive from its Jammu Office at Gandhi Nagar in an impressive function. In a statement to the press, the membership drive was launched under the leadership of senior leaders i.e., Vice Presidents Aijaz Ahmed Khan, Choudhary Zulfikar Ali, and Zaffar Iqbal Manhas, General Secretary Vijay Bakaya, Provincial President, Jammu, Manjit Singh, Provincial President Women Wing Jammu, Namrta Sharma, Provincial Vice President Syed Asgar Ali, and other leaders. Speaking on the occasion, Vice President Aijaz Ahmed Khan said that the Apni Party came into being to represent the voice of people after August 5, 2019 when other political parties preferred to keep silence. “We have launched our membership to involve people in the democratic process. We believe that the membership will reach every Panchayat, village, tehsil, and district and across J&K and accordingly a democratically elected structure will be established in the Party,” said Aijaz Ahmed Khan. He said “There is a need for restoration of democratic Govt in J&K which can implement Govt of India’s welfare and developmental schemes on the ground and all the people get its benefits. Presently, the bureaucracy has failed to reach out to the public and it has increased disconnect.” Vice President, Apni Party, Choudhary Zulfikar Ali, while speaking on this occasion, said that the Govt should prefer local officers in administration as well as in police department in postings as outsiders are not aware of the problems being faced by the people. He said that “We had formed this party with a motive to revive the political process in J&K and strengthen public representation. Speaking on the occasion, Vice President, Apni Party, Zaffar Ali Manhas said that the party stands for strong democratic institutions in J&K and revival of democratic process with the holding of assembly elections. “The assembly elections in J&K should not be delayed further,” he said on the launching of membership drive. |