SAMBA, Mar 18: A meeting of Bharat Tibet Samvad Manch (BTSM) held at Vijaypur under the presidentship of Adv Raghubir Singh, head BTSM Jammu and Kashmir Prant, as per discussion with National President Dr Sanjay Shukla and National youth wing president Swadesh Singh. The meeting was organized by Dr. Pankaj Mohan Bhagat, in presence of Sishupaul Singh, Prabhari Jammu and Kashmir UT, Ladakh UT and Himachal Pradesh and Anil Bhagat National team executive member with Ankush Mahajan vice president BTSM of J&K UT. During the meeting it was decided to nominate Dr Pankaj Mohan Bhagat as youth president J&K Prant of Bharat Tibet Samvad Manch.