JAMMU, Mar 26: A live demonstration of 14 online e-services launched yesterday by LG of J&K was given by Commissioner JMC, Avny Lavasa, in the presence of Deputy Mayor, Purnima Sharma to the media today in the conference hall of Jammu Municipal Corporation, Ankush Kapoor, Informatics Officer, JMC gave the live demo of the online applications and describe how to apply online for the applications and also shown samples of digital acknowledgement and certificates to the media for the awareness of the general public. The services help JMC to provide transparent, accountable and efficient local governance through the use of modern technologies especially in management and administration fields. JMC has decided to embrace Information Technology in the form of e-Governance as a tool towards this goal. Better IT systems are required to integrate all the workflows seamlessly for a faster and efficient service to the citizens, employees and administrators. |