RAMBAN, Mar 26: District Administration Ramban Friday launched Ramban e-Suvidha mobile app to facilitate people of the District in accessing public services through digital platforms. The app was launched by Deputy Commissioner, Mussarat Islam in presence of Chief Planning Officer, Kasturi Lal; Assistant Commissioner (Revenue), Dhirendra Sharma and NIC team comprising District Informatics Officer, Naveen Ahlawat, Shubam Gupta and Mohit Kumar. The initiative has been taken after directions were received from the Lieutenant Governor’s Secretariat to design and develop digital platforms which shall launch many public services to facilitate the people. As per the District Administration, the mobile application is available on Google playstore and all the important services are data-loaded on the application, which shall be updated and populated on a regular basis. Ramban e-Suvidha will provide access to people to basic services like plumbing, electric works, mobile and laptop troubleshooting, masonry and skilled jobs on a digital platform on their smartphones. The application shall also link many important departments like Health, Common Service Centres, Food & Civil Supplies, Banks and other financial institutions. |