Early Times Report JAMMU, Jan 5: The Congress party on Wednesday held an All Workers Meet of Jammu West Assembly Constituency at Afsar Guest House, Shakti Nagar Jammu regarding Congress party's membership drive and the upcoming Tour Programme of Chief Minister of Punjab Sh. Charanjeet Singh Channi. Meeting was chaired By Former Minister, Yogesh Sawhney General Secretary PCC Incharge District President Jammu Urban and Presided over by Vice president PCC Kanta Bhan, General Secretary JKPCC Manmohan Singh and Co-Treasure Rajnish Sharma. Block Presidents, Ward Presidents, Contested candidates JMC, and others attended the meeting. Addressing the meeting, Former Minister Yogesh Sawhney discussed the preparation of the upcoming visit of Punjab CM to J&K and issued directives to party workers for the same. The honourable Chief Minister of Punjab Sh. Charanjeet Singh Channi will also be visiting Jammu. Necessary preparations will be made in that regard by the party, he said. Discussions were also held around the ongoing membership drive of the Congress party. Sawhney guided the party workers to spread awareness on the campaign and get maximum interested people onboard to give maximum inclusivity and accessibility in politics. He said that the party wants to reach every nook and corner to cherry pick enthusiastic and motivated citizens of the community who wish to become the members of the Congress party so as to serve their people. Also speaking at the meeting, Vice president PCC Kanta Bhan said that workers are working diligently in implementing the party's Membership Drive and response has been massively positive which goes to show that people need a podium to voice their opinions. General Secretary JKPCC Manmohan Singh stated that the Congress party leaders are taking stock of the situation at the ground in J&K so as to mitigate prevalent issues that have been blatantly ignored by the BJP government. Although the BJP has proved to be ignorant and silent when it comes to the multiple problems of Jammu, the Congress party on the other hand is very much aware and conscious of the ills troubling the people today. Co-Treasure Rajnish Sharma said that the organisational set up of the party will be strengthened by the process of the membership drive and masses are eagerly choosing Congress. Along with Yogesh Sawhney, Kanta Bhan, Manmohan Singh, Rajnish Sharma, Dr. Ramakant Khajuria, Sanjeev Sharma, Rajeev Saraf, Pawan Sharma, Vijay Malohtra, Balbir Thakyal, Tamana Heer, Rakesh Sharma, Yashpal Sangral, H S Mehta, Anita Sharma, Santosh Sharma, Renu Baloria, Janak Raj, Pt. Vishavanath Sharma, Darshan Verma, Kartar Sigh, Santosh Bhagat and Others attended the meeting. |