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The Irrelevance of Vidhan Parishads | | Omkar Dattatray | 1/6/2022 11:25:19 PM |
| It is not without valid and sound basis that Vidhan Parishads are irrelevant in Indian democracy. Thus Vidhan Sabhas are superfluous and are not needed in our parliamentary democracy leave alone for accommodating those people who fail to elect through proper elections. The upper houses also called as the house of elders are a drain on the country’s exchequer and as such it should be done away with for the good of the Indian political system and democracy. The presence of the upper houses or the legislative councils in the Indian states and union territories as well at the national level the Raj Sabha only inflates the budgets of the concerned governments and in case of the national level it increases the expenditure of the union government and therefore there is no need for the upper houses in our democratic system. The bicameral system is only a burden on the parliamentary democracy. In the Indian scheme of things it has become a tool and technique to accommodate the blue eyed ones to the upper houses in the states and at the national level as well . There is need for the reform of our system of the democracy and we should not blindly copy the practices prevalent in the western democracies and so we should prone the bicameral system and eliminate the upper houses for the sake of the economy of the country and for making the system more representative and democratic .Therefore there is no need for the house of elders in our parliamentary democracy except to adjust those who fail the test of the elections and thus get nominated to the upper houses. The house of elders do not serve the democracy in any manner and therefore the upper houses should not be allowed to continue for the good of the political system and parliamentary democracy . The bicameral system only leads to delays in making of the laws in the country as the legislations have to pass through the route of the upper houses and therefore it leads to unnecessary delay in passing of the laws . In Indian scheme of things it has been experienced that the upper house causes delay in the passage of the laws and thus the presence of the bicameral system does hardly contribute to the strengthening of the democratic traditions and therefore the upper houses are redundant and as such they should not be allowed to continue in the country except to inflate the expenditures . Thus the bicameral system should be shown the door and instead the lower houses should be strengthened for the sake of the democracy and for the smooth functioning of the legislatures .The bicameral system is uneconomic in the sense that it leads to unnecessary increase in the unproductive expenditures and as such the presence of the upper houses are a drain on the country’s resources and as such are not viable and feasible for our democratic functioning .Therefore the upper houses are irrelevant and should be written off from the our democratic system as they lead to the increase in the expenditures and as such a drain on the countries exchequer an d so there is no need and value of the upper houses in our democracy .The bicameral system of the legislature is uneconomical and unproductive and hence the upper houses should be abundant for the good of our democracy .We should not blindly copy the western model and as such should throw it away for the interest of the country . The money saved by doing away of the upper houses will be put to the productive use and more savings will accrue to the country as a result of the elimination of the upper houses .The money saved on this account can be put to productive use in the country. By doing away of the upper houses the delays in the passage of the bills will come to an end and this is good for the working of the legislature .Thus not only money will be saved but the time will also be saved by giving a good bye to the bicameral system of the legislature . The money and the time thus saved can be put to productive use elsewhere in the country. This will also work as a brake to the positioning of the blue eyed ones on the important portfolios. It is not un often that those nominated to the upper houses are at times given important departments and they are even adjusted as ministers .This way the representative character of our democracy is the first casualty and therefore there is valid point in abolishing of the bicameral system to pave way for the representative functioning of the democracy . Therefore we should get rid of the upper houses for the good health of the democracy and for good of the country .Therefore there is no use and purpose in having and continuing of the upper houses in our democracy and this the upper houses should be done away with for the interest of the democracy and the country . The bicameral system has become a way for adjusting those who cannot fight the elections and the upper houses are the way for backdoor appointments and therefore there is hardly any need and necessity for the upper houses in our parliamentary democracy . Thus for the sake of democracy and its representative character there is urgent need for the reform of the legislatures and thus the upper houses should be abolished for the flourishing of the true democracy .The umpteen times it has been seen that those accommodated by the government are given the important posts of the ministers without facing the due process of elections . The bicameral system leads to the authoritative rule in the sense that those nominated to the legislative councils in the states and union territories are assigned important portfolios of ministers. At the national level also some of those nominated to the Raj Sabha are at times remunerated with important portfolios of minister ships and thus it is undemocratic in nature but it is happening in our democracy .Thus the blue eyed ones are nominated to upper houses and some of them are also nominated as ministers thus giving a setback to the real democracy .Therefore for the good of the democracy the upper houses should be abolished so that the time and money is saved and the money so saved can be put to productive use in the country anywhere and elsewhere .Besides the saving of money and time the usual delays in the passage of the bills and legislations can be minimized and this will work to strengthen the representative democracy . Thus there is a strong case for the abolishing of the upper houses in the states, union territories and at the national level and by doing so huge money and time can be saved which can be put to productive use elsewhere .Not only the time and money only is saved by abolishing the bicameral system but the delays due to the passage of the bills can be eliminated if the upper houses are abolished .Therefore without wasting much time there is urgent need to get rid of the upper houses for the good of the democracy and the country .In brief it can be said with certainty that the Vidhan Parishads are irrelevant in our parliamentary democracy and these should be abolished for the good of the parliamentary democracy and the country. |
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