JAMMU, Jan 16: Movie “Nasha-it Kills'" was released today in Jammu. Directed by young filmmaker, Aditya Tickoo and produced by Rajkumar Goyal, vice president, Republican Party of India (RPI) under the banner of Sabhar Entertainment in association with Sabhar Cultural Trust, the film was released by chief guest SP City North Kulbir Handa. The function was presided over by senior journalist Sohail Kazmi. Shahnawaz Rashid, Assistant vice president - State Head J&K, Ladakh UT, CSC e-governance also present on the occasion. The film has been sponsored by Republican Party of India (RPI). In his video message, Union Minister Ramdas Athawale appreciated the whole team and said that such movies create awareness about the bad effects of drugs on society and youth. Athawale said that he had planned to visit Jammu but due to covid pandemic he canceled his visit. The co-producer is Shalini Goyal, Vinod Kumar Gupta, Executive Producer Sourabh Gupta and the film is written by Rajeshwar Singh Raju. Its music is composed by Ravi Sharma while the movie is edited by Neeraj Badyal. Tanvir Hussain , president Republican Party of India (JK) was also present on the occasion..