JAMMU, Jan 28: A song was released by Varun Bhimwal Productions, on digital platform, youtube, in which various artists of Jammu performed and exhibited their talent. The song has been produced by Varun Sharma, Lyrics by Sumaksh Jamwal, sung by Amit Kundal and directed by Additya Bhanu. The others who supported this venture included, Ankush Jamwal, State head of Dainik Bhaskar, Rakshit Kesar and Kuldeep Hans. RS Chib, former Minister was the chief guest on this occasion who released the CD in the presence of other prominent persons included K.K Gupta, ex-Chief Engineer and Baba Chanchal. RS Chib while congratulating Varun Sharma and his team appreciated their efforts to promote Dogra Culture and great Dogra heritage. Chib further said that the Dogri language is very sweet and soft and all should support these young artists in promoting this language. He made special reference of inclusion of Dogri language in 8th schedule of the constitution of India, in which all political and social organizations of Jammu played a leading role.