Investors' wealth jumped by nearly ? 10.9 lakh crore early on Thursday, in line with a surge in equity benchmarks for the third straight session, even as the focus squarely remains on the state assembly elections' results in Uttar Pradesh, Punjab, Uttarakhand, Manipur and Goa. Domestic bourses rose for the third straight session, with the Sensex zooming 817 points or 1.50 per cent to settle at 55,464 and the broader NSE Nifty moving 250 points or 1.53 per cent higher to close at 16,595. Tracking that rally, the market capitalisation of BSE-listed companies jumped by ? 10,83,103.27 crores in three sessions to stand at ? 2,51,93,934.31 crore. That comes after Wednesday's surge in domestic bourses pushed the market capitalisation of the BSE-listed companies to jump by ? 7,21,949.74 crore to ? 2,48,32,780.78 crore in just two days, including a rise in investors' wealth by over ? 2.51 lakh crores on Tuesday. Markets had faced four sessions of sharp declines from February 28 to March 7. Equity investors have become more prosperous as stocks extended their rising streak for the third consecutive session on Thursday. "Markets today were driven majorly by election results across various states. Today post markets Russia-Ukraine are to hold talks which will have a major effect on markets tomorrow," Rahul Sharma from Equity 99 told PTI. "Indian bourses started with huge gains amid a volatile trading session as participants had their eyes on state election results - the trend...(shows) the BJP as clear winners in 4 out of 5 state elections. To PTI, all the sectoral indices also ended in the green," Harsh Parekh, Technical Analyst at Bonanza Portfolio. "Markets inched higher for the third successive session and gained over 1.5 per cent, tracking favourable cues. Positive global sentiment led to the gap-up opening in the benchmark," according to Ajit Mishra, Vice President for Research at Religare Broking Ltd.