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Jammu, Srinagar to develop as smart cities
3/20/2015 11:52:36 PM
Bivek Mathur
Early Times Report

jammu, Mar 20: The department of Housing and Urban development, Jammu and Kashmir has recommended the capital cities of Jammu and Kashmir for their development as smart cities under Government of India Smart City Mission.
Replying a starred question of NC MLA, Ali Mohammad Sagar in the lower house of legislators, Minister in charge Housing and Urban Development, Jammu and Kashmir said that the Government of India has launched Smart City Mission under which 100 cities of the country shall be taken up for creation of economic infrastructure like industrial parks, trade centres, tourism centres, skill development centres, financial centres and services, public utility services like sanitation, solid waste management, storm drainage system, electricity and social infrastructure like education, health etc. The reply further reads that the development of smart cities will be at three spatial levels namely retrofitting (Filling the infrastructure gaps on some component), Re-development in existing urban areas in the area of at least 50 acres in span of five years and finally the green area field development which involves comprehensive development on the vacant land having minimum size of 250 acres.
Also the reply reads that it is expected that most of the infrastructure will be taken up either as complete private investment or through PPPs. The contributions from the GoI and State/ULBs will be largely by way of Viability Gap Support (VGF). Keeping in view these features, the Housing and Urban Development Department has recommended two capital cities Jammu & Srinagar for its development as smart cities as both cities qualify the laid down criteria as per conceptual draft note. Besides Katra and Anantnag towns have also been recommended for development under smart city programme in view of their tourist and religious significance.
The mart city mission is still at conceptual stage and once the line of confirmation for inclusion of the recommended cities/towns is received from Ministry of Urban Development, GoI, Smart city development plan along with financing plan will be formulated by engaging the reputed consultant.
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