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Modi Ji's nationalism in his foreign visits is welcome | | | Nikhil Gupta
Rashtraneeti and na tionalism is above everything. It is above rajneeti and caste politics and it is above regional politics also. National interest is paramount and it should never succumb to partisan politics. Prime Minister Narendra Modi has concluded his diplomatic trip to the United Kingdom. This is indeed a sign of statesmanship because despite allegations by many people that Modi ji spends most of his days abroad touring exotic places, Modi ji has gone ahead and successfully concluded his UK mission and even had a lunch with the aged queen of England in her palace. Queen of England also organized a special welcome function in honour of Modi Ji in her palace in the evening. At night British Prime Minister took Indian Prime Minister Modi Ji to his residence at "Chekers". PM Modi Ji gave a very good speech in the British Parliament and also met members of both houses of British Parliament. Guard of honour which is normally given to President was given to PM Modi Ji by breaking the conventions. Seven aeroplanes of the Royal Airforce of Britain gave air salute to Modi Ji. The Indian diaspora in Britain assembled in large numbers and filled the stadium where Modi Ji gave another good speech. British PM accepted that he had a purely vegetarian dinner with Modi Ji and also pledged British support for permanent seat for India in the United nations security council. Some people claim that due to Pandita Nehru Ji's short-sightedness India lost an opportunity of permanent seat in UN security council. Readers can refer to an article published in newspaper "The Hindu" and also refer to book "Nehru - The Invention of India". According to an article in "The Business Insider ", "India's endeavour for permanent membership in UNSC began in 1955 when the then Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru reportedly turned down the coveted status offered to India which was then grabbed by China. While the reason for Nehru's inadvertent gesture-which he repeatedly denied-still remains a mystery (there are those who believe that he trusted China a bit too much), it proved to be costlier for India". If it is true then it shows that a nation's top manager should not be afraid to take decisions. Pandita Nehru Ji's role in 1962 defeat of India is also not good. I have always maintained that the top manager of a nation should have the qualities of the KSHATRIYA GUPTAS who can take good decisions for the nation. Some of the previous foreign trips of Modi Ji are also worth praising. It was encouraging to see Modi Ji visit countries like Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan and Mongolia about whom not many people are aware. A country's external policy cannot be cultivated solely keeping in mind powerful nations like USA, UK, China and Russia, it has to take within its ambit immediate neighbours like Nepal and Bhutan as also extended neighbours in East like Japan. That's the reason why Modi ji needs to be commended for having made an effort to reach out to these countries. As compared to US politicians PM Modi ji does spend bulk of his time on Indian soil. Thus criticism of Modi Ji is misguided and exaggerated. If PM Modi Ji is required to visit even 200 countries for the sake of improving bilateral relations between nations which would eventually boost economic ties, enhance educational cooperation and technical assistance then he should go ahead and do so. In my view Modi ji has done good by not visiting Pakistan. Previously Pandit A B Vajpayee Ji had visited Pakistan in Lahore bus and shameless Pakistan replied by doing Kargil on India. For many years no Indian Prime Minister visited Sri Lanka but Modi ji did away with the trend by paying a visit to the island nation. During his trip, Modi ji also visited the war torn region of Jaffna. This was indeed a strong indication of Indian foreign policy vis-a-vis Sri Lanka. It signified that India is willing to engage with Sri Lanka but it will not turn a blind eye to persecution of Tamils in the country and looks forward to their proper and wholesome rehabilitation in the aftermath of the Sri Lankan civil war. Thus from Modi Ji's foreign trips India has achieved good relations, respect, name, fame and connection to Indians outside the country . Another good thing about Modi Ji's foreign visits is that we see our PM properly dressed in suit and boot. Modi ji dresses like a corporate tycoon when he visits the world and this shows to the world that he is serious on getting investments and technology from them. We also want to see top congress party leader Rahul Gandhi ji in proper corporate dress of good suit and boot. Rahul Gandhi ji is very handsome and Indian people will love to see him in good coat, pant and tie. I wish he also dresses like Modi ji. He has good salary as honourable MP and he can maintain atleast few good suits. Even our state's CM Mufti ji is also well dressed in coat and tie. What is the harm in dressing properly? Atleast when our head of state goes abroad he should be properly dressed and I have found Modi ji always in proper dress. Many people go abroad wearing dhoti, kurta and with a tilak on forehead as if they are some pujari or pandit of some temple going for pilgrimage. Even dhoti kurta is a good dress but it should be properly ironed and well maintained. Dress is a personal choice but when our top managers go abroad seeking investments or for signing some treaties then they should be properly dressed for the occasion. Will people of India be happy if Modi ji goes out shabbily dressed.? Does getting dressed in kurta pyjamas show that the leader represents downtrodden people i.e. schedule castes, schedule tribes and OBC people only? India is not only for poor, SC or ST or OBC only but it is also for rich general caste people. Dressing in kurta pyjamas is no guarantee that the leader will do good for the downtrodden and SC/ST/OBC people. Similarly dressing is suit and boot is no guarantee that the leader will do good only for the rich people. Consider an imaginary scenario where a schedule caste officer gets wonder struck if his subordinates come wearing coat and tie. He will then try to harass them one way or the other and even issues illegal dies non letter to subordinate even when there are clear evidences that the subordinate officer has performed all the work in office. Consider further in this imaginary scenario that the more senior officer belonging to Panjabi business caste of khatri and khullar is unable to understand the whole picture. Readers can refer to Scott Cameron Levi who describes Khatris among the most important merchant communities of early modern India. Can anybody be punished just for dressing good? In contrast I appreciate PM Modi Ji's good dresses and his good intellectual speeches. His recent speech in UK parliament is a good example. Modi ji is attracting world towards India. No Indian prime minister has ever got so much respect and love from Indian diaspora. No Indian PM has ever got so much respect from various heads of states of the world. If needed Modi ji should visit more countries to get support for Indian nation because Rashtraneeti and nationalism is above everything. The content of the article has no bearing on any person or any organization and the author is guided by the motto, "THE ROYALE GUPTA WARRIORS NEVER FIGHT FOR THEMSELVES BUT FIGHT FOR A BIGGER CAUSE."Vande Matram and Jai Hind. |
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