Jammu, Jan 22 : Youth Talent search, a forum of schools organized an inter school "Extemporary Declamation contest" in Hindi as well as In English at JK Montessorie Senior Secondary School Talab Tillo here today. According to press release, Students from more than 10 different schools of Jammu namely Alexander Memorial school, Bikram Memorial School, Lawerence Public School , New Era Environmental High School, SD Tara Puri ,Guru Govind Public School , Mayur Public School participated in this competition with great interest, enthusiasm and zeal. The topics of the competition was "social media is a leading cause of victim in society" and "charitra hi Dharam ka mool hai " Raj Kumar Rtd. Principal was the chief guest and Inderjeet Sawhney Senior Lect. of English was the guest of honour and also judged the competition. The winners were judged on the basis of their content expression, Gestures, pronunciation and Confidence. Ist Prize in English was won by Ajaz Hussain of Lawerence Public School IInd by Tanvi Sharma of Mayur Public School and IIIrd position secured by Prisca of SD Tara puri school. While in Hindi contest , Ist position bagged by Christson of Alexander Memorial School IInd position clinched by Vansh Baru of Lawerence Public School and third prize secured by Palak Sehgal of New Era Environmental High school. |